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..........level rhyhorn to 42.....
get a rhyhorn from safari and evolve it to rhydon

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Q: How do you get rhydon in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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Pokemon LeafGreen at what level does rhydon evolve?

Rhydon, in Pokemon FR/LG, does not evolve.

What does the rhyhorn evolve into in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Rhydon at Lv 42.

Does rhydon evolve in LeafGreen?


What is the best Pokemon party Pokemon LeafGreen?

Blastoise Raichu Butterfree Fearow Nidoking Rhydon (Gengar but put in Nidoking instead incase you cant trade) =]

What game is Rhydon easiest to get other than FRLG?

The easiest way to get a Rhydon is by Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness nd in there is a Shadow Rhydon in the game and after purifying it you can trade it to Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen or Emerald and then if you want you can migrate it to Diamond, Pearl or Platinum.

How do you get a protector to evolve a Rhydon in Pokemon indigo?

In indigo, you don't need hold items to evolve them through trade. Just trade a Rhydon. Your welcome :P

How do you get 8badge in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You defeat Giovanni (which is also the Team Rocket Boss). He is in Viridian City, and his Pokemons are Rhyhorn, Dugtrio, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, and Rhydon.

How do you evolve rhydon in Pokemon Gold?

Rhydon cannot evolve in Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal.

What is the best Pokemon LeafGreen Pokemon team?

Rhydon level 60 Ninetails level 60 Poliwhirl level 60 Venasaur level 60 pidgeot level 60 Joleton level 60

Is this a good leafgreen Pokemon party -Venusaur -Aerodactyl -Raichu -Starmie -Rhydon -Butterfree my Aerodactyl knows Fire Blast and Flamethrower so he serves as my fire pokemon?

It's pretty good, but you should really get Fire Type Pokemon, because they will have the same type attack bonus, so they will do +50% damage with Fire Attacks. Also, You should try removing Rhydon and trying Diglett (it's much faster than Rhydon). Remove Butterfree too and Get Psychic or Ghost Pokemon. They will be valuable when you go into the Pokemon League.

How do you evolve a Rhydon Pokemon pearl?

Trade your rhydon while it is holding a "protecter".

How do you evolve rhydon on platinum?

Rhydon evolves when the "Protector" is held and the Pokemon is traded.