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all you have to do is find a magickarp and lvl him up to 30 without evolving it. Next u must get a redscale which is hard to find. Use it on ur magikcarp. Then you go to the PC and open it put in all ur Pokemon except the lvl 30 magikcarp. Run over to the 1st Pokemon gym and go inside, it doesnt matter where you are inside but just go in. Now use a water stone on magickarp and he will evolve into a redgarydos with over 200 hp at lvl 30 and he will have a move called dragon wrath which does 160 damage and has a high chance to burn the foe.

I did this and my redgarydos is my strongest Pokemon i ever had. I was able to kill a lugia in 1 him.

I hope this secret cheat works for you because i was at GameStop and there was a Pokemon event there and this guy told me what to do to get redgarydose so i did it and it was so powerfull when i lvled it up.

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Q: How do you get red garydos on Pokemon Pearl?
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after you defeat red garydos you will receive red scale, take it and go to mister Pokemon who lives alone up from cherrygrove city and he'll give an exp.share

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you dont need to find them you have to fight(and is best to catch) the red garydos on the lake. you dont need to find them you have to fight(and is best to catch) the red garydos on the lake.

How do you get a red garydos in Pokemon pearl?

you'll have to trade it in from somone with Pokemon gold/silver. or heart gold or the new silver. you get one chance to catch the mother****** in the lake. if you fail, you have to beat the elite four, and lance again to get a final final chance. lowe. x

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On Diamond and pearl you don't really see many fire Pokemon or electric types. But really the rarest ones are legendarys. Also Garydos is a good Pokemon hard to get without super rod

How do you get shiny pokemin?

You can't control when to get shiny wild Pokemon, they just appear occasionally. For instance, I found a shiny Meditite at Acuity Lakefront on Pokemon Diamond. I had no idea I was going to find one, but hey! The "Red Garydos" mentioned at the beginning on Diamond and Pearl is a shiny Pokemon. You can actually catch it. All you need to do is get Surf, and surf around in the middle of Lake Verity for a while. It takes a long time, but you will find a shiny Garydos. You can get an Action Replay. On Action Replay, you can get a code for all wild Pokemon being shiny.

How do you get the red scale in Pokemon HeartGold?

After two days competing in the pokeathlon in the poke dome it was available to me for 1000 points

Can anyone trade me a red garydos I will give you a mew mewtwo or raquaza in Pokemon diamond if so meet me in the union room April 5th 300 pm and tell me what Pokemon you want when you answer?

Oh I'll meet you there all right you beast you Ive got a red garydos lol i need rayquaza or somethin coz i no good at gettin legendarys =) My ID is 45999

How do you get past the old man in Pokemon HeartGold version?

well u have to do the secret base thing with lance and deafeat the red garydos at lake rage

Where do you find a garydos in pearl?

Fish anywhere with an old rod, catch a magikarp, then get it to level 20.

Can you trade pokemon from fire red to Pokemon Pearl?

You cannot "trade" pokemon between Pokemon FireRed and Pokemon Pearl. Instead, pokemon from Pokemon FireRed Version can be transferred to Pokemon Pearl via Pal Park.

Where to find the red garydos?

Red Garydos are shiny garydos This just happens with most pokemon, they change colour when they are shiny! thats not what we are looking for (sorry) we want to know WHERE you can find it please help