By battling really well, your chances are increased if your not hit, you can also go to Tails' Lab in Emerl's story to get ultimate moves and higher chances for rare cards.
It was mostly a one time thing in Sonic Battle.
yes I can
get the combo cards from the sonic team building in emerls story.
You equip them as a ground power move and if you use them on an enemy it will kill them in 1.
You have to fight and unlock them, and there are no Sonic Battle cards outside of the game.
It was mostly a one time thing in Sonic Battle.
what i know is when you defeat any enemy (like cream) and don´t get any punch( you´ve got a good chance with emerls knockout combo cards) you eventually get a rare crad but normal you must go to the Virtual training of tails and on that rounds you usually get a rare card: 5;10;15;20;25;30...... when you get all these rare cards(i don´t have them i only 12) then having fun emerl is so cool then^^ PS: I hope that was helpful for you the codes of rare cards of sonic team you can google give the following words in: Sonic Battle Sonic Team Codes and then you find usually many of sites where you can read it ^^
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It's me Ishmael
yes I can
You get them randomly as skill cards at the end of a battle.
try sonicgames site.
they have not made it yet