use a cheat from super cheats or an action replay . i used super cheats bacause its better but the action replay has codes so its mysterious and fun to play with too.
You cannot get rare candy that way.
Yes there is rare candy in pearl
You can get rare candies in pokemon yellow
you find rare candy in the random pokeballs
Rare candy is a pack that can increase your pokemon level to 1. You get it when you go to mahogany town shop
You cannot get rare candy that way.
Pokemon that there is only one in the world
Yes there is rare candy in pearl
You can get rare candies in pokemon yellow
you find rare candy in the random pokeballs
in my but
You can find a rare candy in wayward cave! I already found the rare candy there!
Rare candy is a pack that can increase your pokemon level to 1. You get it when you go to mahogany town shop
There isn't a Rare Candy in Floaroma. Sorry.
Rare candy increases your pokemon's level by 1. Use wisely!
Save Up A Lot Of Rare Candy's And Then Feed 'Em Those Candy's!and rare candy's only level up Pokemon not evolve Pokemon.but in the trading card game you can evolve that Pokemon.
Rare Candy is an item that increases any one chosen Pokemon's level by 1. Note: Each Rare Candy can only be used once.