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There is no cheat, but there may be a mod.

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Q: How do you get quadruplets on the sims 3?
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Can you have quadruplets on sims 3 pets?

You cannot have quadruplets in The Sims 3 Pets without third-party mods.

How do you have quadruplets on sims 3?

You can't.

Can you get quadruplets on the sims 3?

You can only have triplets.

How do you get quadruplets on sims 3?

You can only have triplets.

How do you have quadruplets on the sims 3?

they can have triplets but im not sure if the can have quadruplets i think they can but i had triplets by listening to the kids music on the radio while pregnant so maybe it works for quadruplets.

Can you have quadruplets on sims 3?

Not without mods or being lucky enough to experience a glitch. The Fertility Treatment lifetime reward does NOT allow you to have Quadruplets.

How do you have quadruplets on The Sims 3 for PC?

You can get the Fertility Treatment or , if you're lucky, I could happen with no mods!

Can you have quadruplets on The Sims 3?

You can't but you can have twins by pressing ctrl shift c than type in FORCETWINS (all caps and no space)

Can you get quadruplets on Sims 3?

Yes, you plant a pickle seed inside the dresser and then you eat your whole family. It works... I have A quad set!

How can you have quadruplets on sims 3 PC?

You can't have quadruplets without a mod or cheat that allows you to increase the number of children your sim can have during one pregnancy. The base game (and all of the expansion packs) only allows triplets.

On sims 2 how do you have triplets?

For twins or triplets ot quadruplets you MUST have NIGHTLIFE, then you use the following cheats: forcetwins forcetriplets quadforce

How do you make a woman have triplets on the sims 3?

First of all, I've never heard of having quadruplets on the sims 3. Second, if you get both the father and mother fertility treatment using lifetime happiness points, you're likely to get twins or triplets.