You Have To Have Both Sims To Relax In The Bed Then Click On The Bed Or The Sim You Are Not Using Then It Will Say Cuddle Then You Click Cuddle Then Cuddle Almost About 4 Times Then It Will Say Kiss And Make Out And WOOHOO You Click Any Thing You Want HOPE ITS WORK. :)
You cannot have children in the 3DS edition of The Sims 3. No matter how many times you have a woohoo, a term used for sex in the Sims 3, you just won't have children.
cats and dogs
as far as i know you cant
Yes in The Sims 3 DS, The Sims 3 3DS, and 3DS The Sims 3 Pets
The only expansion pack for The Sims 3 on Nintendo 3DS is The Sims 3 Pets.
You cannot have children in the 3DS edition of The Sims 3. No matter how many times you have a woohoo, a term used for sex in the Sims 3, you just won't have children.
Nothing, except it is 3D
You cannot.
no but they do for ds lite
On the sims 3 on the 3DS you can marry someone and on the DS I/LITE you cannot.
I don't think you can on the 3DS. I might be wrong though.
cats and dogs