A wild Pokemon in anygame including the dsgames dsi games game boy games any u get it by a wild Pokemon its useless if u don't know what evs are
In poke platinum you get a black poke flute from Looker the agent
The Poke doll distracts Pokémon
Yes you can get the Poke Radar
go to the poke transfer lab on rt. 15
You can buy the POKe Snacks after you unlock the POKe SPOTS. Then you can buy them at POKe Marts.
In poke platinum you get a black poke flute from Looker the agent
Plastic pipe does not rust, brass does not rust, copper does not rust. Stainless steel does not rust, lead pipe does not rust.
yes if u poke it.
like a facebook poke?
Poke is the correct spelling.
The past tense of "poke" is "poked."
Poke is a word that rhymes with joke.
Something that is rust resistant will not rust easily; minor exposure to water will not cause it to rust. Something that is rust proof will not rust.
No they will not get rust they are not iron to get rust. only iron get rust.
Get the national poke dex and talk to profeser rowanTo do that you have to see every Pokemon in the small poke dex you will get the Poke rader! :]