You must have the permission from a OP to use /warp or if you are a higher ranking official, ask your server owner to set up the "essentials.warps.*" and "essentials.setwarp.*" permissions.
/setwarp (name of warp)
/createwarp name Server most have mywarp plugin. (You also must have the permission to)
If you are in a server, most servers are /tpa (players name) if its not there do /help and maybe u can find it
It depends, if your on a Online-server, you can "Teleport" to somebody or a point using the Command "/Tp *YOURNAME" then something else"
You can set TNT off in Minecraft Beta by clicking it, or by triggering it with redstone.
/setwarp (name of warp)
/createwarp name Server most have mywarp plugin. (You also must have the permission to)
Usually as a server owner there are bukkit plugins available to do /setwarp, etc. As a player you usually have the option to set a home ( /sethome ) or type /warp
The simple subject of the sentence 'One set of threads is called a warp' is 'set'.
From Wikipedia:"In weaving cloth, the warp is the set of lengthwise yarns that are held in tension on a frame or loom."
If you are in a server, most servers are /tpa (players name) if its not there do /help and maybe u can find it
In weaving cloth, the warp is the set of lengthwise yarns that are held in tension on a frame or loom. The yarn that is inserted over-and-under the warp threads is called the weft, woof, or filler.
It depends, if your on a Online-server, you can "Teleport" to somebody or a point using the Command "/Tp *YOURNAME" then something else"
You can set TNT off in Minecraft Beta by clicking it, or by triggering it with redstone.
Download Applet permission just search it up and then it should work.
Only if the owner/maker of the server requires it. It's an add-on mod. It's not part of the normal server.
/time set 0