You have 2 catch a little fish and feed it to the mullet. you also have to get a worm from the top left corner
To get past the mullet in soda seas on Club Penguin, you have to get a worm. Then catch a yellow fish with the worm. Then feed the yellow fish to the mullet. You can choose to keep the mullet and put it into the net or you can set it free. If you choose to catch it you will get 1000 coins. Good Luck!
You go past the giant puffer fish,and a small cave is below it.Inside,there is a small,purple gem.Carry this to the net.To earn bonus points,get the soda barrels. That is not it. You also have to collect the pearls in soda seas
You click on the barrel next to the barrel that said cream soda
1: Grab all sodas on the level soda seas. 2: Once you grab the sodas go down into the hole and past the puffer fish and the huge puffer fish. 3: Grab the main treasure and go back up. 4: put it into the net.
you press spacebar when your over it ( the cream soda)
To get past the mullet in soda seas on Club Penguin, you have to get a worm. Then catch a yellow fish with the worm. Then feed the yellow fish to the mullet. You can choose to keep the mullet and put it into the net or you can set it free. If you choose to catch it you will get 1000 coins. Good Luck!
to catch the mullet you have to use anothe fish for bait
to get the rare item you need to get past the huge mullet there a two ways. there is the hard way or the complicated and hard way. so we will do the hard way. you must keep trying to swim past the mullet and then go down. you will see alot of treasure. BUT DONOT GRAB ANY. Wait until the crab takes all the treasurethen he will give you the rare tresure. but then u will have to get past the mullet again but dont worry u will eventually.
you have to wait until mullet (the red fish) is at the opposite side then you go through the tunnel and you'll get bumped a ton of times though then go and let the crab take most of the gold and then get the emerald!
There is a little yellow/orange fish right before mullet appears. Catch that one, but don't take it out of the water. It is bait. Mullet will appear, and you want to align the fish to his mouth. Hold it still, and mullet will take the bait. ah that is on the fish caychong game not soda seas.i am sorry to all that read this i know how you feel probably irataded.cuz that is how i always feel when theese things arent answered.hehelol
you can only get it on soda seas, you have to go to the cave on the left and bump into the roof and grab the worm, then go to the fluffy fish and catch it, and so forth with the mullet
It is located in the Soda Seas.
You go past the giant puffer fish,and a small cave is below it.Inside,there is a small,purple gem.Carry this to the net.To earn bonus points,get the soda barrels. That is not it. You also have to collect the pearls in soda seas
you collect the barrels in soda seas,then ram the roof of the left cave,and a worm will fall,get the worm and get the yellow fish to eat the worm.then make the mullet eat the fish (the fish will try to make you bump into a wall and drop him) then let the mullet go then go through where the mullet was and go down then you will see the the crab.
all you do is take the worm and the Fluffy the fish dude watch for him and get in front of him and he'll take your worm. Now, you have him. next, go to where the mullet guy is with the fish he'll eat him. Next you have the mullet!!!!!!!! but hes really hard to get to the net. so i wouldn't advise you to try :P so now go behind where the mullet is and you will see a small crab now if you want the coins you have to wait till the crab gets them to his house place. butdon't worry you'll get your coins. now i think you have coins but I'm not sure i haven't played soda seas in while so i hope this really helps!! :) im glad to help!
If you catch the fluffy fish and then feed it to the mullet you will be able to catch the mullet and then release it somewhere else then you will be able to enter the place where the mullet was. This way you will be able to find the rare treasure. But first you will have to get the worm bait. You can get that by knocking on the undersea air place a bait will fall out then you can catch the fluffy fish. it is not true. All there is down there is a big big stack of coins that you can pick up and a crab. Thats all the was.
You click on the barrel next to the barrel that said cream soda