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Here is a quote from the website linked below.

9) Back into your cell.

Go back to the room with the invisibility machine. Now swipe your card in the card key scanner. This will unlock the door and grant you

access to your cell. Once inside, put the live steak in front of the ventilation shaft. The scent will be carried around the

space ship. Now, hurry outside and click on the invisibility machine. The guard beast will pass by, not seeing you, and will

make it's way into your room for the steak. Now swipe the card in your card in the card key scanner again. The monster is locked inside now.

Make your way to the place it was guarding.

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Q: How do you get past the monster in riddle school 5?
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What do you do once your past the monster in riddle school 5?

i think it was into get you

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Yes there already is a riddle school 5.

When will riddle school 5 come out?

they already have come out with riddle school 5. If you go to and search riddle school 5, they will have it right there.

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Well, darling, to get that pesky monster out of the door in Riddle School 5, you need to use the stink bomb on the monster. Just click on the stink bomb in your inventory and then click on the monster to make it leave. Voila! Problem solved, and you can continue on your merry way.

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in riddle school 1 he is in 1st grade so in riddle school 2 he is in grade 5

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give the monster a BJ so then he will like you and that way you can get into that last room and the you can figure the rest of the S H I T out yourself.

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There are no cheats, it's a joke. Riddle School 5 is the real one.

How do you feed the monster the living steak in riddle school 5?

Oh, it looks like you're trying to solve a puzzle in Riddle School 5. Remember, feeding the monster the living steak requires you to use the correct item from your inventory. Take a moment to think about what might attract the monster's attention and bring a smile to its face. Keep exploring and experimenting, and you'll find the solution in no time. Just trust your instincts and have fun with the process, happy little accidents and all!

How do you do the tiles on riddle school 5?

figure it out

What is the walkthrough of riddle school 4?

1-click on the broken tile Thats it the end now move on to riddle school 5!!

Will there be a riddle school 4?

Riddle School 4 is an April's Fools joke, Riddle School 5 is already out, I think it's the best one in the series(in my oppinion), it's the longest, and SURELY the last one.

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