you have to slid around till you in a spot where you can get to the other end (it's not that hard)
Yeah, that part isn't hard, what were wondering is, in what directions do you slide in to you find the stop to get to the other end? help!
if you say its easy why cant you tell us how to do it?!
i known how to get thru there but you will have to go on Google okay and type in this Pokemon soul silver heart gold - how do you get past ice path and then your pretty much out of there
you need to get waterfall which can be found on the ice path from mahogany town to blackthorn city. :D aydelie 101
Have a Pokemon who knows STRENGTH with you, and actually use your smarts to roll all the rocks into a hole.
ice path
in the ice path
whan you get to the ice cave you need strength to get past it youll have to push the boulders in the holes.
just use the rocks!
Get to the end of it and talk to the Chinese woman.
By sliding down the right path, glad i could help.
You've got to get the item in the ice area below.It's a TM.
First you have to go to the radiotower and battle team rocket.
Go past theb ice path
after you push them into the holes you have to go down the ladder and then you can get past that area
you can, in my opinion keep on trying! that's how i got past. or you could just check it on you tube or something. hope you get past! :)
all you have to do is go past route 42 and then battle the dudes then go in the cave :)
If you are stuck where the ladder is on an island surrounded by ice, then you would use strength the push the boulders from the area above through the holes.