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You get the seventh gym badge, come back defeat all the team rocket guys and he will let you up.

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Q: How do you get past the guard in goldenrod radio tower?
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How do you get past the guard at the radio tower at lavender town in Pokemon soul silver?

I think you're talking about the radio tower in Goldenrod City. You have to go to the underground tunnel in Goldenrod and talk to the Team Rocket person. They'll give you a team rocket uniform then you can get past the guard.

How do you get past the cop in the radio tower in soulsilver?

In Goldenrod City, there is no cop guarding the radio tower. In Lavender Town, it is impossible to get past the cop. You do not even need to get past that cop.

How do you get past the guard in Kanto's radio tower?

You cannot get past the guard at the Kanto radio tower. He is there permanently for the entire game, no matter how much of the game you manage to defeat.

How do you get past the Security guard in the radio tower on soul silver?

There is no way for you to get past the Guard that's blocking the staircase in the Radio Tower in Lavender Town in "Pokémon SoulSilver."

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Beat team rocket in the radio tower in goldenrod city

How do you get past the lavender town gurd that's blocking the elevator in heart and gold?

There is no way to enter the stairs being blocked by a guard. The guard is for security purposes because of what happened at the Goldenrod Radio Tower when Team Rocket hijacked it.

Where is the GTS in Pokemon SoulSilver?

in goldenrod city to the far left (past the radio tower)yes

How do you get past the radio tower guard in Kanto in soul silver?

You beat the seventh gym leader then go get the team rocket costume from in the tunnel in Goldenrod then you go beat teamrocket in the tower. The elevator will not work unless you have rotom though.

How do you get past the cop at the radio tower in Jhoto on soul silver?

You don't until you defeat the 7th Gym (Pryce - Ice Gym) you'll get a call about odd radio frequencies, when you try to put on the radio all you'll get is Team Rocket, which is hinting you to go to Goldenrod, where they are littered all around the city, to get rid of them you'll have to go underground and get the Team Rocket Uniform, then make your way past the Rocket Guard in the Radio Tower, defeat all of team rocket and the guard will be gone from there!

How do you get past the cop at the radio tower in Lavender town in soul silver?

You cannot get past the cop at the Lavender Town radio tower. The guard is always going to be standing in front of the elevator. The cop tells you that the increase in criminal activity in radio towers prompted him to guard the elevator.

How do you get past the guard at the radio tower in kanto on heart gold after you fix the power plant?

You don't there is nothing beyond the guard.

How do you get past the man who sells ragecandybars on Pokemon heartgold?

You need to go to the radio tower in Goldenrod and face team rocket again.