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You need to of released the lakePokemon (Azelf, Mesphrit, and Uxie). The you can go there and the cave painting will be demolished.

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Q: How do you get past the cave painting on platanum in Mt Cornet?
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How do you get past the cave painting in mt cornet in Pokemon platinum?

Go to the Galactic Veilstone Building in Veilstone (of course in Veilstone) and beat Cyrus there. Then the painting should be busted open. I was stuck there too. I looked everywhere and couldn't find it

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you canot get them or save them hahaha what the heck!!!?how does that help you idiot?

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you find Cyrus in celestic town. you find Cyrus in celestic town

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you have to do the team galactic mission in velistone

Getting past mt coronet's cave painting even after defeating Cyrus in team galactic building?

the cave painting should be broken, if not go back to where you just defeated Cyrus

How do you get past the cave painting in Pokemon platinum?

Go to the Galactic Veilstone Building, defeat Cyrus, and then the painting should be busted open.

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you have to get strengh.

How do you get past the galactic grunt in mount cornet?

you can't

How can you get past the cave painting in mt coronet?

you will need a special flute a person gives you use the poke flute to open the doors and you will get pased i think...

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No.It is in a hidden cave up the resort area in the sandstorm so it is hard to find. Right now,you will need the lv.100 Regigigas from the past giveaway or you will need a action replay to make it appear.

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