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You can use Feint (if you have diamond/pearl/platinum, monferno learns it).

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Q: How do you get past the Pokemon move protect?
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How do you see past the fog on Pokemon?

Use the move Defog.

What is the TM 17 move mod in Pokemon platinum.?

In Platinum, TM17 is Protect. Protect sheilds the using Pokemon from most attacks for one turn.

How do you get past the dark cove on Pokemon pikachu version?

teach a Pokemon the hm move flash

What is rock smash?

a move in Pokemon to smash rocks so you can get past

Where is the move deleter in Pokemon white?

mistralton city the house next to the Pokemon center the old man will delete a move and the girl on the left of the old man makes your Pokemon remember a past move.

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What is the fastest way to catch a pokemon?

Have a pokemon who has the move detect for and you that move for 2 times then use a timer ball to catch the pokemon. If you use protect that will be a bad thing. Or if you have a weak pokemon use that weak pokemon and use it's attacks.

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To get past the boulders you have to let one of your Pokemon to learn the move strength.

What is the item heart scale used for in Pokemon pearl?

you use it in pastoria city's move tutor, your pokemon can learn a move that it forgot. If you don't know your pokemon's past moves, then go to

Howt do you get past a whirl in Pokemon heartgold?

You go up to the Whirl and use the move Whirlpool and u and your Pokemon crosses it.

How do you get past rock tunnel in Pokemon FireRed version?

use the move Flash (TM70)

What does a heart scale do in Pokemon Ruby?

You can exchange them with the Move Tutor in Fallarbor Town. He can teach your Pokemon a move that it learnt in the past but doesn't know anymore. This is useful if you accidentaly delete your best move, etc.