well first you teach a Pokemon rock smash and continue through the rocks or teach a Pokemon strength and move the boulder on the bit up the stairs. if you want to train go into the long grass. if you want an item get rock climb and use it on the wall
Route 206 , 210 , 211 , 214 , 215
You must have Pokemon Emerald in the Game Boy Advance slot of the Nintendo DS while playing it and then it will be located at Route 211, and Lake Acuity.
you get it if you use the Pokéradar in route 211.
In route 211, use pokerader.
Sinnoh Dex Pokemon #82 is Chingling. You can find it on Route 211 or in Mt. Coronet. National Dex Pokemon #82 is Magneton. I'm not really sure where you can find that. Have a look around Google if you need the Pokemon.
Route 211 East
No. In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum there is.
you can get him on route 211 with a poke radar
in celestic town route 211
Yes you can catch Tyrogue in Pokemon Pearl. It's found on Route 208. You can also find it on Route 211-West. Hope this helped! =)
Route 206 , 210 , 211 , 214 , 215
Tyrouge is a 100% male fighting pokemon it had no female counterpart. This pokemon can be found on route 208 and 211 with the pokemon radar.
route 211 (after getting the national pokedex, insert the Pokemon emerald gamboy game into your ds, and it will eventually apear.)
its on route 211
You must have Pokemon Emerald in the Game Boy Advance slot of the Nintendo DS while playing it and then it will be located at Route 211, and Lake Acuity.
Teddiursa is a normal type of Pokémon that resembles a bear. In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl you can find one on Sinnoh Route 211.
Do you mean TYROUGE? The Pokemon that turns into Hitmontop, Himonchan, or Hitmonlee? If you do, ya gotta go to route 208 or 211 and use Poke radar in the short grass