An easy way is just to go to Cerulean go to the Pokemon center and go down and then youll find and opening follow it battle people and then youll find a cave going down DONT GO IN!BECAUSE YOULL BE IN ROCK TUNNUL!and that's a route on how to get a shortcut of the rock tunnul.
safari zone and rock tunnel.
use the move Flash (TM70)
Get Flash from a guy a route 2 Get Flash from a guy on route 2
there's no moss rock in heartgold/soulsilver. To get it you need to trade from a different game. Sorry!
you get it AFTER you beat blue
safari zone and rock tunnel.
use the move Flash (TM70)
when you get cut teach it to a pokemon in your party and go back and beat route 2 and professor oak will give you flash the go to rock tunnel with a pokemon that know flash and it should light up and the onix will be gone
You can battle wildOnix in/at:Union Cave, Mt. Silver, The Cliff Cave, Rock Tunnel, Victory Road, Safari Zone
In both HeartGold and SoulSilver, you need to go to Lavendar Town in Kanto. Then, go into the Rock Tunnel and catch a Makuhita. You will need to evolve it to get a Hariyama.
Machoke can be found in the following places - Mt. Mortar, The Cliff Cave, Cerulean Cave, Rock Tunnel Safari Zone (Special Items).
There is no mossy rock in HeartGold. There is not one in SoulSilver, either. A mossy rock is only found in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. You must trade for a Leafeon to get one in Pokemon HeartGold.
Go to the pokemon centre at rock tunnel and surf southwards. Rock tunnel is east of cerulean.
On the map, yes the power plant is by the Pokemon Tower. However, the Power Plant is on the northern side of Rock Tunnel. From the northern entrance of rock tunnel, surf south past the mountain until you find land. The Power Plant is located here.
Get Flash from a guy a route 2 Get Flash from a guy on route 2
it's past mount moon but not past rock tunnel keep going. watch for trainers they can get annoying.when you see water ride on it
Rock and Ground type