you need to have beaten misty in ceruleun city, then you can go through the house and get TM 28, dig
It takes time but figure it out.... push the boulders
There is no altering cave in pookemon red since the sevii islands don't exist in Pokemon red only in Pokemon firered and leafgreen in six island after going past the forest and the altering cave is also in Pokemon emerald in route 103 a cave appears after beating the elite 4.
You have to go to the next city and beat the team rocker hideout which is in the Game Corner.
press the red buton to raise the waterfall
You need the Silph Scope to see it, then defeat it.
You can receive a Level 10 Squirtle in Pokémon Yellow after beating Lt. Surge in Vermillion City from Officer Jenny, a police officer near the Gym.
Daer jenny tayor i'm sorry jenny tayor don't putt me juell
Any Pokemon that existed in Red, Blue, or Yellow.
Migrate Pokemon from Pokemon games in the past preferably fire red or leaf green
It takes time but figure it out.... push the boulders
stuff you snorlax i have been playing for 7 months and cant get past him
you use strength
Jenny Rieu goes by " The Lady In Red ".
Because jenny was wearing red.
i dont know i did everything Trace
there's no seta chamber in red rescue...veronica