Ah, the Impossible Quiz can be quite the challenge! Remember, each question is a puzzle waiting to be solved with creativity and patience. Take a deep breath, trust your instincts, and don't be afraid to think outside the box. You'll find your way past number 42 with a little bit of perseverance and a whole lot of positivity.
To get past question 42 in the Impossible Quiz, you need to click the "42" in the question itself. This is a trick question, as the answer is actually within the question text. Look closely at the wording and interact with the elements on the screen to progress to the next question. Remember, the Impossible Quiz is designed to be challenging and requires you to think outside the box.
Click the forty second 42.
the 42nd 42 x
it is the 42nd 42 in all of the 42s
The answer is the 42nd 42(which is the sencond 42 in the last row).
It is the 42nd 42. Easy XD
Click the forty second 42.
It's the 42nd number 42
the 42nd 42 x
Click the 42nd 42
The 42nd one, you silly.
it is the 42nd 42 in all of the 42s
The answer is the 42nd 42(which is the sencond 42 in the last row).
You must click on the 42nd 42.
click on the 42nd 42
its the 42nd 42 on the page
I believe you click the 42nd 42!