This one is simple
up(1) right(1) up(1) right(1) up(1) right(1) up(1) right(1) right(1) up(x1) down(2) left(1) down(1) right(1) down(2) left(1) up (1) left(2) down(1) left (1)
1st u have to go l,r,r,l,,d,d,u,l,u
how do you pass bloxorz games
The copitition is is nothing like the Ford Fusion
They're only available in the past. Hurry and level up past 5, then you are transported to the past.
if you want to carry on the game past level 5 yes you have to pay everything upto level 5 is free
1st u have to go l,r,r,l,,d,d,u,l,u
how do you pass bloxorz games
The copitition is is nothing like the Ford Fusion
by going into paradox mode, it lets you get your weapons past level 5
Press the "a" button on your key board and the wall will dissapear!:-)
You win by passing level 5.The game keeps going but if you get past level 5 you win
umm you have to move the block to get it in the hole so you can finish the level :) the easiest level EVER!!
They're only available in the past. Hurry and level up past 5, then you are transported to the past.
2 right, 2 up, 1 left, 1 up, 2 right, 3 down,1 left, 1 up, 3 up, 2 left, 2 down, 3 right, 1 down, 1 left, 2 up
I can't find it too :(
if you want to carry on the game past level 5 yes you have to pay everything upto level 5 is free
you have to comlete level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7