first you need to obtain the silph scope. you get that in saffron city, in the silpher co. building (its the biggest one). then when you go into the Pokemon tower, all the ghosts turn into either a gastly or a haunter. you can then battle and catch them with Pokemon.
you need to find the silph scope this will reveal the ghost to be a marowak you can then defeat it
Get a Slith Scope and climb the towe. Beware: the ghost Pokemon that you visually see transform cannot be caught with a Pokeball
Go to the casino in cetrulon city (i cant spell) go in the casino go to the team rocket member talk to him he will move press the poster and the corner will open up go to the top and beat giovanni once you beat him get the siph scope and go back to the ghost you can pass now
You need the Silph Scope to see it, then defeat it.
Go to the Silph Co. in celadon and get the sliph scope.
The three Pokemon that are a Poison/Ghost Type are Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar that are in Pokemon Blue.
To get past the ghost, you need to get the silph scope. Or you could do it the easy way by getting a poke doll to make the ghost flee.
You must defeat them.
Ghost is only in Pokemon blue, red, yellow, fire red and leaf green. Its useless cause its uncatchable.
Ghost, Fire, Ground, Psychic, and Ice
from the top of the ghost tower in lavender town
you need to find the silph scope this will reveal the ghost to be a marowak you can then defeat it
Get a Slith Scope and climb the towe. Beware: the ghost Pokemon that you visually see transform cannot be caught with a Pokeball
You have to attain the Silph Scope to reveal the ghost. Kill it (LVL 30 Marowak) and then fight a series of Rocket grunts to get to Fuji, who gives you a pokeflute.
Go to the casino in cetrulon city (i cant spell) go in the casino go to the team rocket member talk to him he will move press the poster and the corner will open up go to the top and beat giovanni once you beat him get the siph scope and go back to the ghost you can pass now
Any Pokemon that existed in Red, Blue, or Yellow.
zubat, cascoon, golbat, a lot of ghost Pokemon like gastly and mistreavious.