JUST PASS: 1. Hit the target
2. Walk to green square
3. Run to red square
4. Hide behind one of the pillars on the sides
5. When it says "walk to blue square", DONT! They are testing you to see if u will but DONT!
1.Hit the target with a snowball.
2. Waddle to green square and waddle to red square.
3. Throw a snowball at the camera #2 and hide behind the bottom right pillar so you can't see yourself.
4. Don't walk to the blue squar!! Throw a snowball at the energy box. It's on the right and is glowing blue!
If you did everything right you would've gotten 100% on the EPF quiz!
in the lighthouse
cheak the code on the elite penguin force herbets revenge on the paper with a penguin
To get the elite penguin Puffle you need to get the game Club penguin Elite penguin force Herbert's revenge and use the code that comes with it.
It is on the top right of the map.
I'm not positive if they have any because you know how club penguin alone is...
there is 12 missions in club penguin elite penguin force. 1O in club penguin elite penguin force herberts revenge
That is passed. There is no way you can play club penguin in 2010. Although there are some club penguin private servers (CPPS) which never update so they take you back in time in club penguin.
dunno. someone may give a better answer. what is club penguin elite penguin force? search the internet for club penguin elite penguin force cheats and tips and you may find something
You have to be a member to dress Elite Force!
On Club Penguin EPF stands for Elite Penguin Force. The Elite Penguin Force is Club Penguin's secret agent squad. Answered by the penguin: Jellyfish33
you have to be a member
On Club Penguin the term, "EPF" means Elite Penguin Force. The Elite Penguin Force is Club Penguin's secret agent squad. Answered by the penguin: Jellyfish33
elite penguin force
By buying things from club penguin.
in the lighthouse
You cant get over it