go to the inn and click the map in a ? thing and it says "back to town" click it......
Chat with our AI personalities
go to travel map in town you should see it
Go to "Boog's tavern", click the scroll-like brown thing named "Map", click "Go to battleon!"
you go to the paladin armoury in yulgars inn and buy the spell "light of mana" after that go to a place where you could battle undead such as granemor which is on the left side of travel map and is under darkrovia when your in granemor click on the grave on the right side and battle monsters use the spell and you will get 1 mana potion sometimes the spell doesnt give you a mana potion and this only works on undead
i do not believe there is a way, however, there is one way i know of. just log out and log in.and sorry i do not know how to keep items you get from granemor when logging out. hope you felt this information was helpful! good luck,have fun,lvl up, and battle on! go to house where thers samurai clik paper note at wall
no there is not unless you purchase a trainer which will help you "cheat" to get extra gold, extra xp and so on. i prefer not to cheat like a loser so what i do is i make sure my luck is at least 45 then i go to Granemor and head over to the haunted house. you have a 88% chance of finding one of the pieces every 3-5 battles.
go to travel map in town you should see it
you go to granemor and then you see the moon and it will be there and high level monsters but you can't have him as your guest
Go to "Boog's tavern", click the scroll-like brown thing named "Map", click "Go to battleon!"
you look at the haunted house in granemor dude i tried to but i used playstation3 computer u shood try it
you go to the paladin armoury in yulgars inn and buy the spell "light of mana" after that go to a place where you could battle undead such as granemor which is on the left side of travel map and is under darkrovia when your in granemor click on the grave on the right side and battle monsters use the spell and you will get 1 mana potion sometimes the spell doesnt give you a mana potion and this only works on undead
i do not believe there is a way, however, there is one way i know of. just log out and log in.and sorry i do not know how to keep items you get from granemor when logging out. hope you felt this information was helpful! good luck,have fun,lvl up, and battle on! go to house where thers samurai clik paper note at wall
(Updated as of 5/18/2012)Unless there have been any new miscellaneous items added that have a higher melee defense than 10, then you can reach a maximum melee defense of 85 with the Golden Plate, Sackelberry Special, and Granemor's Captain Helm. The Golden Plate is an armor costing 500,000 gold with 50 melee defense if you are level 90+, although it can be purchased when you are level 85 by completing a quest that is located South->Alnaphar->click on the rainbow. The Sackelberry Special is a level 80-requirement shield costing 300,000 gold with a melee defense of 25, obtained by going to Twilly->Hello->The Frogzard Hunter->My Shop. The Granemor's Captain Helm is a guardian-only, level 60 misc. item with a melee defense of 10 costing a mere 3,000 gold. It is obviously found in Granemor, by clicking on a small lady that walks in the streets with a basket of apples called Pearapplos. Click "Buy some Pearapplos!", and it is in the misc. section. If you equip all of these in battle and meet the requirements, you should have 85 melee defense (they barely ever successfully hit for all monsters less than or equal to about 110, estimate), the highest possible.More informationMaximum...Ranged: 90 (Asgardian Plate, Siege Tower Shield, Head of Raydius Dragon)Magic: 85 (Golden Plate, Spell Blocker, Helm of Drakonnan)
no there is not unless you purchase a trainer which will help you "cheat" to get extra gold, extra xp and so on. i prefer not to cheat like a loser so what i do is i make sure my luck is at least 45 then i go to Granemor and head over to the haunted house. you have a 88% chance of finding one of the pieces every 3-5 battles.
You need to find the "Rare Treasure Chest" multiple times. It is very rare, and very difficult to get. It is also pointless to attempt to get UNLESS you have Guardianship, or X-Guardianship.The stonewrit itself can be found like any other piece of the blade of awe. Random Adventure in Battleon.(The BIG BATTLE button in the bottom right corner in battleon) After 3 consecutive battles in new granemor.(It just says granemor on the map) Or at the crossroads on the map, go to somewhere(I dont know if it works if you click one of the other signs) They SAY that random adventure is a 6% chance, i just got the stonewrit from random adventure it caught me off guard even though i'd been searching for days. They SAY its 33% for Haunted house and 25% for somewhere, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY not true UNLESS it does not apply to the stonewrit, because i did the haunted house about 11 times and i did somewhere around 36 times and didnt get anything.
A Gogg's EyeKill a Gogg (or Megogg/ ArMeggogon), and click on his eye after you kill him. Goggs can befound in Ice Yonder, Random Adventure, or as a Answers.com guard (when visiting neighbours).Gnuvain's Abode contains one if you are Level 95+, and the entrance to The Hedge Mazecontains Goggs. Both Goggs and Megoggs can be found in Warlic's Spellcraft quest underBacon if you are of high enough level.Reanimated HayFound after killing a Hayu in the Arena Challenge. Click on the remains.Alternatively, Skrow from Zorbak's Apprentice drops some hay when after you defeat him.Click on the remains.Phoenix AshesFound on a Phoenix or a Firebird. Click on the ashes after you kill it. Phoenixes can befound guarding houses or in Smoke Mountains.Groglurk ShellFound after killing an Angered Groglurk in Bludrut Keep. Click on the shell after you killit.Valence Tree LeafFound in Isle d'Oriens, in the main Answers.com. On the tree with Pae the gecko on it, clickon the leaves on the top-left-most branch.Dried Potion HerbsFound in Granemor, in Lucretia's Apothecary & Potion Shop. Click on the bag on the floor,next to the potions. If you are not a Guardian, you need to get a Travel Pass fromValencia by first getting a Pet Rock from Warlic's Shop.Sweet Orcish FruitOn Answers.com Map, click Sail South and then click on the trees just above Augerthorne.Volcanic Vent GasDie and go to Death's Answers.com by clicking on Death's hourglass. Click on any of the smokingvents to collect the gas.
Artix Company is basically the company that made AQ,AQW,MechQuest,Dragonfable, and a bunch of small mini games. There company's actual name is Artix Entertainment LLC.It consists of~ Taken from http://www.battleon.com/aq-staff.aspArtix KriegerProject LeadArtix is the original creator of AdventureQuest. He is an eternal optimist with a passion for games, art, anime, manga, and mixed martial arts. It was his life long dream to build a game and he was hoping for just 100 people to play his game... imagine how happy he is today!www.AdamBohn.comSafiriaExec. Game AdministratorCreator and in charge of the help webpages, technical documentation, emails and customer service, she's evil, but oh so organized. Guarding Artix from harm is her hardest job - Safiria keeps everything running smoothly in and out of Lore.GalanothAdventureQuest Creative LeadGalanoth (Tony Deller) is a film buff and screenwriter who just happened to be there when Artix was creating AdventureQuest. With the help of Warlic, the three came up with the basics of the world of Lore. Galanoth continues to expand AdventureQuest while helping build the foundations for new Artix Entertainment projects.Captain RhubarbProgramming LeadCaptain Rhubarb happens to be the guru when it comes to flash, web, and database coding for AdventureQuest. He has created several awesome original quests, major AQ game upgrades, and 'interesting' pets & equipment. His primary responsiblility is maintaing the game and database servers, the advertising links, and the payment and upgrade web sites.CyseroDragonFable Creative LeadDragonFable Artist/Animator, Cysero is the person you need to blame every time you're killed by a Gorillaphant, Sneevil or Seed Spitter in DragonFable. Animator of those creatures and various other creepy crawlies throughout the world of Lore, you definitely want to stay on his good side.WarlicMechQuest Creative LeadWarlic is the grand mage of music and sound FX. You can find his work in AdventureQuest as well as Archknight, Undead Assault, DragonFable and many more projects on the way. Visit his website and check out his latest CD :) http://www.jdfight.comNytheraGame AdministratorSafiria's evil assistant, she helps with answering emails, and taking care of Artix. She assists Safiria with anything and everything.ProgrammingZhoomDragonFable & MechQuest Code GuruZhoom is working hard on flash and web programming for DragonFable. Happily esconced at his laptop down in the secret DF lair (location undisclosed...of course).KalanyrCo-Head Knight of Order, Flash Coder, Forums AdministratorCo-Head of the KoO, Kalanyr patrols the Game Balance Issues board with the mighty Sword of Balance and is responsible for balance in AdventureQuest. If you're not careful, you may be hit with the awesome Nerf Bat. Also a coder, Kalanyr is responsible for coding many items. He 's also the co-head mod of AQ Suggestions and AQ Bugs, an op in #battleon, and Server Administrator of TirNaNog.Caelestia.net.RolithDragonFable & MechQuest coderRolith is one of the main coders for DragonFable, MechQuest, and AE's minigames. When he's not reading the boards or posting in update threads, Rolith enjoys wielding his Hammer of Domination and confusing people who wonder whether Rolith is the same as Eselgee. (The resemblance is remarkable!)MegalopsWeb and Forum ProgrammerMegalops is making long-needed improvements to the Message Boards and working on several behind-the-scenes advertising projects.TathlinFlash ProgrammerOne of AdventureQuest's original playtesters, and the NPC for the Knight class, Tathlin is hard at work coding new features for items, monsters and more.westwindKnight of Order, Flash Coder, Forum ModeratorA master of random trivia, Westwind can be found working behind the scenes on AdventureQuest balance and game design with the rest of the game staff, or wandering the Game Balance Issues and AQ General Game Discussion forums... or as a forum troubleshooter, wherever there are troublemakers that need shooting. He can also be found shooting the breeze on IRC, where he is a channel admin in #battleon and op in #yulgarsinn, as well as a local operator on TirNaNog.Caelestia.net.CreativeJ6Lead Artist and Flash AnimatorThe vector art master who created the new Paxia, Granemor, Lolosia and the awe inspiring Carnax monster and scenes. He has created countless new monsters, weapons and some of the greatest pets ever seen in the game.OishiiArtistOishii is bringing her amazing art skills to AdventureQuest to help us improve the quality of our graphics. New monsters and graphics upgrades here we come! She's creating a whole new world of monsters, NPCs and art for DragonFable!The HollowFlash Artist and AnimatorThe Hollow has brought his cool visual style and his budding talent in animation to the world of AdventureQuest. He is responsible for the Pirate class, dozens of crazy monsters and weapons, and much more!ThytonLead ArtistThyton loves anything drawn from art nouveau to comics to anime. He looks like the guy from God of War in real life and likes to crush puppies under the SHEER WEIGHT of his drawing skeelz ...and he likes cookies!AishaGraphic and Web ArtistAisha is our "Super-Designer". She designs anything from web and print graphics to artwork you have seen in DragonFable and MechQuest. One day, when her powers become strong enough, she will use her awesome skillz to make us brand spankin' new websites!ArklenFlash Artist and AnimatorFlash Artist extraordinaire, Arklen is an animator for AdventureQuest and Dragonfable. How 's that for multitasking! He enjoys working on Class Armours the most... and he's the one with the really cool hair.ClayFlash ArtistHaving been with the game almost since the beginning, before there was town and there was only an Inn, Clay has gone on to design several of the weapons in AdventureQuest but is most well known for creating the Ultimate Ice Katana.CyrusRole-Playing Administrator/WriterCyrus is a mysterious dragon who loves to write...A real Book Wyrm, if you will. When he's not busy overseeing the Role-Playing forum, he's off writing things guaranteed to make your head spin counterclockwise.FalerinLoreMaster/Storyline Developer/Chat Admin/ModeratorFalerin documents Lore, exploring parts yet unimagined. He's a Zardian contributor, storyline and quest developer, primary author of the Devourer saga (since 2002), a founder of Caelestia.net where he's the GameMaster for the AE RPG's, and head mod of two major forum areas. This plus a day job as an educator and webmaster while studying in graduate school and juggling a family. He has several other AE projects but if we told you what those were…geopetalAssistant DF WeaponsmithThis pbl was chomped by the gecko and has since been trapped. If you hold the gecko up to your ear you can hear her typing away and chasing down bugs.GhostFlash AnimatorA spectre-iffic DF animator, Ghost is a self-taught ninja of animation, who's often chomped by a gecko.JeminiAnimator and ArtistJemini makes things move pretty! From mechmonsters to MQ hairstyles, you can find her handiwork all over!KaleyArtistAuthor of the hit web comic "Aliens are a Plot Device" Kaley joined us to help with special projects and game assignments. Some of her recent works can be found in the new walk around engine and new faces. Make sure you have a few free hours before visiting her website, because once you start reading her comic... it will be hard to stop!http://aliens.battleon.comKorinAnimatorWhen not animating different mecha and monsters for MQ, you can find him on the forums. Look for a list of his recent work in his signature!MaxwellFlash Artist and AnimatorMaxwell joined AQ a while ago and has been part of the Adventure Quest community for a very long time. He enjoys creating weapons, monsters, and quests more than anything else, and in his spare time he works on web comics too!ReverendWyrmArtist, Animator, ArchKnight, AdumbrationSomnambulating dystopia, ReverendWyrm appears from the shadows long enough to spill his nightmares into this world. During the breaks in his madness he creates various art and animation for AdventureQuest as well as being an ArchKnight for the Creative Art section of the forums, though inevitably he finds himself wandering once more.Xyphos CelestinArtificer/AnimatorThis strange undead lurker is always happy to say weird things at unexpected times... unless he's busy bringing about Xyrmageddon. Xyphos is an Artificate/Animation specialist for AdventureQuest when he's not busy in Yulgar's basement working on his own nefarious plans. It's the end of the world and it's all Xy's fault!Game BalanceRayf DraysonCo-Head Knight of Order, Co-Head Moderator of Game Balance Issues, AQ Bugs, and AQ SuggestionsThe Rayfish is known by many names and wears many hats, especially The Hat. When he's not busy working behind the scenes on balancing, code debugging, and designing with the rest of the AQ game staff, he is patrolling the Game Balance Issues and AQ Suggestions boards and lurking in IRC, where he's a local operator on TirNaNog.Caelestia.net.AelthaiKnight of Order and DF Bugs ArchKnightA Winged Lightning Bolt and occasional Goddess (everyone needs a hobby), Aelthai can usually be found teaching the whys and wherefores of Game Balance in Game Balance Issues- at least, when she isn't testing for DragonFable bugs. On IRC, she can usually be found in #aq_game_balance and other channels.ChiiAngelic Knight of Order, AQ Suggestions and AQ GD AKThe origin of Chii has yet to be fully explained. Artix Entertainment's lips are sealed, but rumor has it that Chii fell from the sky in the year 65,000,000 B.C. and was adopted by a local family of cavemen. Eventually tiring of their disco clubs and incessant car insurance commercials, Chii departed for Parts Unknown, but got hung up in Michigan instead, where it was discovered and raised by a pack of wolves. Chii now prowls the Suggestions forums, in addition to chewing up numbers for AdventureQuest and occasionally designing new toys for adventurers to play with. Evidence of housebreaking remains inconclusive.Lord BarriusKnight of Order, Head Moderator of DragonFable SuggestionsLord Barrius is commonly known as the Kitten, and a very friendly (and presumably fluffy and snuggly as most kittens are) one at that. What is less known about him is his work behind the scenes as a Knight of Order, helping to balance AQ. When not pouncing around in the various Dragonfable boards on the AE Forums (particularly DF Suggestions, in which he was ruled the Supreme Snuggly Overlord) and Game Balance Issues on the forums, he can often be found on the Caelestia IRC network (in which he is a local operator for Immertot.caelestia.net) chatting in many different channels, #battleon and #aq_game_balance among them.MorgensturnKnight of Order, Head Moderator of DragonFable Character Ratings & AdviceWhile he is most often found burrowing underneath the DF CR&A forum or balancing MQ releases, the Aardvark from Kaos has been known to lose his way from time to time and pop up in other unpredictable parts of the forum.RadagastKnight of Order, Forum ModeratorA lover of all things punny, Radagast's true nature remains shrouded in mystery. What is known is that this Spellsword can be often be found lurking in Game Balance Issues and AQ Suggestions as he attempts to help bring order to the chaotic world of Lore. While he has a penchant for writing letters to the town of Battleon, he often makes IRC appearances in #aq_game_balance and occasionally #battleon.Reyn RoadstormKnight of Order, Head Moderator of AQ EncyclopediaA resident punslinger and seeker of the fabled thing known as Agudlaff. His duties with the KoO include hunting down and slaying the Demons of Imbalance, searching out the nests of those pesky Bugs which annoy us all, and patrolling the hallways of AQ Suggestions in an attempt to maintain order while at the same time searching for new and innovative ideas. In the Encyclopedia, he helps to update old, as well as provide new, information on all things AQ related. On IRC, he can regularly be found in #aq_game_balance and #battleon.TalwraithArch-Knight of OrderThe Talwraith is an elusive creature, with a helpful attitude, and a great appetite for spam. Appearing and vanishing since ages past, he has become something of a repository of various, useless bits of knowledge, which he can be bothered for via PM, both during active, and lurking cycles. Handling most communications through many channels in AQ's IRC network, his presence in the forums is most often felt by the vanishing of "problem" posts, especially in the suggestions forum.The Khold OneKnight of OrderA Battlemage Cryomancer with a nerfbat. Khold works behind the scenes with the other KoO on AdventureQuest's everchanging world of magic and swords. Khold likes swords. He can be seen in all his snarky goodness in #battleon and he's an op in #aq_game_balance. Also, socks. Shoes, too.XeviousDF Balance and stuffXevious is geopetal's imaginary friend. His primary job consists of whining about DF game issues including but not limited to: weapons balance, class design ideas, skill ideas, skill balance, monster intelligence, elemental resistances, and various game issues that come up on the forums.Forum AdministratorsReensHead Forum Administrator, Game Administrator, Lead Moderator, Head of the ArchKnights, Communications AdministratorSnugglable Snugglekitty Admin. Before you break the rules remember that Kitties have claws. Hatted by a gecko, Reens is in charge of the Forums as a whole. She oversees the staffing of the forum Moderators and Archknights, and helps whenever and wherever needed... just watch out for the tiger in her. She's a channel admin in #battleon, op in #yulgarsinn, and Caelestia's Network Advisor and Counsel. Also part of Reens' duties are assisting Safiria. She also does some offsite administrative work as well.AlacForum Administrator, Assistant Game Administrator, Ezine Editor-in-Chief, DragonFable Head ModeratorThis triangular Tri-Angel is able to help out with the forums, the Ezine, and IRC. She is a Forum Administrator and oversees the DragonFable boards while working with the DF coders to squash DF Bugs. She is in charge of The Zardian board and is a channel op in #battleon and #yulgarsinn. Alac is The Zardian's Editor-in-Chief, in charge of production and responsible for layout. Occasionally she will help out with vectoring art for DF and MQ. She also lends Reens and Safiria a hand when she has time.Lady TomoDemonkitty Forums Administrator, Assistant Game AdministratorLady Tomo is in charge of bans, so it's best to stay on her good side. With peaches. Lots of peaches. Also involved with the Helpzard, she's a busy kitty, as she helps out Safiria. And if that's not enough, Lady Tomo is the owner of #battleon on the Caelestia IRC network - she sets the rules, so obey them or face kitty wrath. She's also a channel admin in #yulgarsinn.MaegwynGeneral Forum Administrator, Head Moderator of MQ Gremlins, Assistant Editor of The ZardianThis inquisitive otter loves to meander through the MQ Gremlins (Bugs) forum on the trail of those pesky Gremlins who foul things up in MechQuest. Although she is busy sleuthing, testing, and reporting the annoying errors, she also plays and enjoys learning about the AE games. She won't hesitate to drown a too-big sig or to let you know how to follow the rules better, but is quite friendly. You can always PM her on the forums, and you may even find her splashing around the Caelestia IRC network.PaeClan Forums Administrator, Head of AQ Guides, IRC Chat HelpPae is the slyest gecko AQ has ever seen. Whether it be in the game, forums, or chat, she's always around to help people out. Amazingly lacking the requirement of sleep, the gecko can be found when no-one else can. She's also a channel admin in #battleon and #yulgarsinn and Staff Administrator on Caelestia.SeahawkForum Account Administrator, MechQuest Head ModeratorSeahawk is the quiet one... the kind your mother always warned you about. He is primarily responsible for forum account maintenance (name changes and the like) and uploading new avatars for general forum use. Seahawk is also the Head Moderator of the MechQuest forums and the owner of the #yulgarsinn channel on IRC. With what remains of his free time Seahawk occasionally assists in vectoring artwork for use in both DragonFable and MechQuest, and has also developed and written quests for AdventureQuest.smbdollGeneral AdministratorShe's a forum administrator and game artist too!Forums ModeratorsBalos OmnisHead Moderator of OOC and PollsBringing The Metal to AE, Balos is the hard rocking ursine Mod in charge of the OOC and Polls sections of the forums, where he can often be found talking about music and debating. He can also be located lurking about on IRC under various names.bluesGeneral Moderator and Squire of OrderAs the Color of Ratings, blues can be seen rating your character and using his magical spreadsheets to rank Equipment! Ask him about equipment comparsion and chances are he'll know the answer! As a Squire of Order, blues assists the Knights of Order with all things balance in AdventureQuest. He can also be found lurking in some Channels on IRC.eagle88Head Moderator of Unofficial Contests and Games, Newbie HelpThis rare species of plushie bird has recently been spotted nesting as Moderator in the UCaG and Newbie Help, though he still likes to glide through his old Clans and OOC hunting grounds from time to time.GrafhCreative Arts Head ModeratorWhether admiring/creating a rose or beating you across the head with it, Grafh is there to help and can often be seen in the Creative Arts forum.Icemaster YetiHead Moderator of AQ Q&A and Guides, AQ Equipment Comparion and Battle Strategy, DF Strategy and Equipment Comparison forumsIcemaster Yeti has come down from the highest peaks of the Australian Alps to keep a close eye on these Help & Support and Strategy forums. He's big, furry and friendly- most of the time- but beware, Yetis have big sharp gnashy-gnashy teeth!Sarah_ReneeForum ModeratorA true doll, Sarah_Renee has risen from ArchKnight to moderator on the basis of her work stemming the tide of spam in the OOC and GGD rooms. Now a general forum moderator, her spam-detector and flame-douser are at hand as she settles in for the long haul.ScakkHead Moderator of Character Ratings and Advice, AQ General Discussion and PaxiaScakk can also be found lurking in Paxia and many other places. He is also your friendly Goof, but beware or you may get SCAKK'ed. He is also a Global Operator and part of the Judicial Review on Caelestia.Irc.Net ( IRC site for AE ). He can also be found in many many channels on IRC as well as the main ones (#BattleOn & #Yulgarsinn).SporkGoddessForum ModeratorThe Gundam Queen can be found in Chat or the OOC room most of the time. Known to break into song at intervals, SporkGoddess (or Mirai Yashima) is our own personal Broadway show. She's also a channel admin in #yulgarsinn.WalloForum ModeratorWallo can be found wandering around the forums with a golden fiddle, ready to moderate as long as he gets food at the end of it all. He does get hungry you know. He spends the rest of his time thinking of various ways he can summon up Churchill from beyond the grave to help moderate. He's good overall though, and can mostly be found in mIRC as well as AQGGD, Clans, and OOC.westward_ho!Head Moderator of the DF Encyclopedia and DF GuidesIn the wilds of the Antarctic, penguins wander... this one is mighty lost! Being secretive and rarely seen by outsiders, penguins are perfect archivers of information, and this one has chosen DragonFable as her pet project. Through the forums she waddles in search of fish and the meaning of life, and lately has been wondering if they're synonymous. A PM can always bring her out of hiding and, if you're lucky, you might catch her in one of the Caelestia IRC channels, too.The Zardian EzineCirceThe Zardian author, DragonFable ArchKnightCirce is a bewitching Sorceress who can be found enforcing order and zapping spam on the DF boards when she isn't working on an article for the ezine. On IRC, this diligent AK and DF enthusiast can be found on #battleon and #yulgarsinn.