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you use the touch sreen

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Q: How do you get out of a smoke trap in Pokemon pearl?
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How do i get out a leaf trap in Pokemon pearl?

Blow into the mic

Where is the trap merchant in Pokemon pearl?

It is someone who sells traps underground.

How can you escape the fire trap in Pokemon pearl?

You literally blow on it.

How do you get the digging drill in Pokemon Pearl?

You buy it from any trap merchant underground.

What do you use the traps for in the underground for in Pokemon pearl?

you click on the trap and press set

How can you change secret bases in Pokemon pearl?

You have to use a trap. It's called a drill trap, and that's what you use on the wall. You get it from a hiker.

What does a warp trap do in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Not 100% sure, but I think it teleports you to a random place in the underground.

How can you get a diamend in Pokemon pearl?

you cant get a diamond on Pokemon pearl but you can get a pearl on diammond ...and pearl.

What is Pokemon 147 in pearl?

Pokemon no.147 in the Pokemon Pearl National Pokedex is Dratini.

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Where is bulbasaurin Pokemon Pearl?

You can not get Balbasaur in Pokemon pearl