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I'm thinking you should press R1 and L1 at the same time. I'm not sure, I only have an Xbox 360, but good luck!

Blake Coopers

its actually press TRIANGLE

Not Blake Coopers

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Q: How do you get off your board on Skate on the PS3?
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How do you lay down on your board Skate 3 ps3?

Hold L2 and R2 then hold the circle button

How do you change sponsor in skate for PS3?

You cannot change your sponsor in skate. If you wanted to change your sponsor you would need to start a new game. However, in Skate 2 you can change your board sponsor whenever you like.

Which hurts more falling off a skate board or falling off a BMX?

Depends on where you are.

What do you do if you skate the opposite way you pop?

you have to try to jump of the skate board or if your falling off fall on your back side

How do you pick up your board and run on skate?

Well all youdo is have the board in your hand press; (PS3 "X") or (X-box "A")and hold the direction you want to run in.

Could you get off of your board on Skate it Wii?

I have skate it for wii, But I don't know how to get off my board. I just go on here and look around but I can't find anything, Try looking for more answers on here if you searched for this question because, I try everything to get off of my board and I can't...Sorry :(Message me for more info in Skate it here, ---> UserDiscuss:BlakeCoopers

How do you get off of the skate board in Tony Hawk underground for xbox?

The Black button

How was invented?

because when skate boards where invented they put bars on it then took two wheels off the skate board then could it a scooter

What is the difference between Skate 2 and skate it?

Skate it is for Nintendo systems. Skate 2 is for PS3 and Xbox 360

Can you get off your skate board in skate 1 the video game?

no the point of the game is to skate it is nothing like tony hawks skateboarding games why? cause the game is made by EA

How was scootering invented?

because when skate boards where invented they put bars on it then took two wheels off the skate board then could it a scooter

Is Skate 2 out for PS3?
