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You go to your room and sleep. When you wake up, you will arrive. Talk to the guy that let you in and he will move away letting you get out.

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Q: How do you get off the cruise ship on Pokemon SoulSiver?
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Where does the cruise ship go in Pokemon Yellow?

It goes off screen, and never returns.

Can you take bottle water with us when you get off the cruise ship in ports?

can you take abottle of water with you when you get off the cruise ship at the bahamas

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Once you get off the S.S. Anne, you can not reenter the cruise ship, it sails away once you leave.

What is the word for boarding a cruise ship?

Embarking. Getting off the ship is referred to as disembarking. :)

What is the name of the ship that stranded off the coast of Seychelles?

Costa Allegra cruise ship

You are a convicted felon can you travel on a cruise ship to Mexico or the Caribbean?

no not to the carabean but can go on cruise ship just might not be able to get off at port.

Name somethings you can do a boat but not on a cruise ship?

Fishrowwaterskijump off

If you go to Asia on a cruise ship do you need a Vietnam visa if you do not plan to get off of the ship in Vietnam?

Yes. Most cruise lines have agreements with the ports-of-call that makes the cruise ship searchable by local police while in port. The cruise ship is under a limited jurisdiction by the local authorities, so even if you don't get off the boat -- you are still in Vietnam.

Do you need a Passport when getting off cruise ship to do activities?

no you need your cruise i.d. or your room key

Do you need a passport for a carnival cruise to the Bahamas?

Basically yes, to get on AND off the cruise ship you need a passport.

When and which cruise ship was the last to ever sink?

The most recent cruise ship to sink was the Costa Concordia off the Italian coast, January 14, 2012.

What cruise ship holds the most passengers?

the allure off the sea. :)