Go to the safari zone and visit the meadow. Once there, you should put 28 forest objects in different places while walking around. Then you should battle Nuzleaf.
Nuzleaf is evolved with a Leaf Stone.
You can't, you have to trade with Ruby. Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry are Ruby-only Pokemon.
you get a nuzleaf on route 229 (8%) or solaceon city side (4%). to get seedot breed nuzleaf or shiftry
trade it from another game
Nuzleaf only evolves by use of a Leaf Stone, so it can evolve at any level.
weepinbell, exeggcute, gloom, nuzleaf, and I think that's it :)
Leaf Stone Exeggute -> Exeggutor Weepinbell -> Victreebel Gloom -> Vileplume Nuzleaf -> Shiftry
No, Nuzleaf was introduced in Hoenn.
Nuzleaf is evolved with a Leaf Stone.
You can't, you have to trade with Ruby. Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry are Ruby-only Pokemon.
nuzleaf evolves with a leaf stone
Seedot evolves at level 17 to nuzleaf. To evolve nuzleaf you need a leaf stone you could get at route 119 near fortree town or city.You can get a Seedot or a Nuzleaf in pokemon sappire
Pal Park (Nuzleaf can be caught on Route 114 in Ruby)
you get a nuzleaf on route 229 (8%) or solaceon city side (4%). to get seedot breed nuzleaf or shiftry
Nuzleaf is #274 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass-Dark type Pokemon.
Gloom, Weepinbell, Exceggcute and Nuzleaf
Nuzleaf into Shiftry