Pixelmon on Mindcraft does not cost a thing. In order to get pixelmon you will have to earn it with points.
Unfortunately you cannot get the Pixelmon Mod on Minecraft for the XBox 360, this is because you cannot mod the XBox version currently.
how to get minecraft xbox 360
turn gay
minecrafts popular servers are pixelmon mods
pixelmon requires the forge instead of normal patching
there is no viruses on minecraft just lag and pixelmon has none to
Pixelmon is a mod...
Well, you need the game 'minecraft' which does cost money. Pixelmon is just a mod for the game 'Minecraft'.
Pixelmon on Mindcraft does not cost a thing. In order to get pixelmon you will have to earn it with points.
Unfortunately you cannot get the Pixelmon Mod on Minecraft for the XBox 360, this is because you cannot mod the XBox version currently.
Unfortunately you cannot get the Pixelmon Mod on minecraft for the Xbox 360, this is because you cannot mod the XBox version currently.
how to get minecraft xbox 360
Groudon is not yet implemented into the minecraft mod of Pixelmon, however in future updates it will, as well as Kyogre.
turn gay
minecrafts popular servers are pixelmon mods
Yes. There is currently a Minecraft pokemon mod called "Pixelmon". It is a great mod that is updated to 1.4.7 that adds pokemons,pokeballs, and much more to the game. Here is the link to the Forum. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1276311-147-pixelmon-196-january-26th-2012/