Build an academy! The academy requires following: Headquarter lv 20 Market lv 10 and smith lv 20
No, Beacuse of tribalwars is runned from servers, u gain information, u dont send byte information.
Well, Since tribalwars uses php and a little little little bit java script, can it be good to download the newest version of Java.
It really depends on what you like better. travian it bad graphics but it has alot of building opions for you to chose from. tribalwars is way better in graphic and less stresing but on some buildings it takes hours to complete. i play tribal wars because i like it better but it really depends on you also on tribalwars you can make your own tribe.on travian you have to choose from three
games likekingsage tribalwars travian khanwars
go here
On TribalWars, you get a nobleman in an academy. If you send it with an attack against a village, providing it doesn't die, the village's loyalty will go down. If the village's loyalty reaches 0, you will noble the village.
TribalWars is a game made by Innogames. Innogames is a Company for online Games.
No, Everything in tribalwars is hosted by a database. It don't retrive information from you, it gives you information. So there isn't any bytes to change.
No, Beacuse of tribalwars is runned from servers, u gain information, u dont send byte information.
This depends on each word Settings and in what stage of the world you're joining. I suggest hitting the External TribalWars forums.
TwStats, And scripts.
Well, Since tribalwars uses php and a little little little bit java script, can it be good to download the newest version of Java.
Tribalwars is a browser-based game set in the Middle Ages. Every player gets a small village wich you have to build up and conquer other villages with. Tribalwars is a team-play game, and not for individual enjoyment. You could play on your own, but you wont survive long.
it has started a long time ago
It really depends on what you like better. travian it bad graphics but it has alot of building opions for you to chose from. tribalwars is way better in graphic and less stresing but on some buildings it takes hours to complete. i play tribal wars because i like it better but it really depends on you also on tribalwars you can make your own tribe.on travian you have to choose from three