Before Herbert's Revenge mission, you could buy the goggles in the F.I.S.H catalog. And I think they show up every once in a while in the clothing catalog. Otherwise, you can use the lantern to light your way. You have to be a member to use the goggles.
well basicly i havnet found all about it but you cant you have to find them some where else or buy it some where
Yes there is but i cannot figure out where it is! and there is no cheat so you have to find it on your own! hope i helped =) I FOUND IT! The night vision goggles are at maddoggs crib and the thermal goggles are at the big antenna you will see when you go to the abandoned airport!
the game, night vision goggles, a steel case for the game, art book, and a model of soap mctavish head to put your night vision goggles at
nvg night vision goggles that can attach to a helmet tactical goggles ciras vest and a advanced combat helmet
you haft to be a member to have night vision goggles
You need to get the night-vision goggles
while on a mission open up your inventory and click on the night vision goggles, then you will be wearing them.
you don't. i did all of them 6 times and i never had to find night vision goggles.
how to get the goggles on club penguin misson 9
go eat a hot dog
I don't know why re you asking me?
You first have to go to Gary's lab then you ask him for the night vision goggles and he will give them to you along with the binoculars 3000 ..... now remember this is the mission called Operation Spy Seek! Bye .... hope this helps !
Before Herbert's Revenge mission, you could buy the goggles in the F.I.S.H catalog. And I think they show up every once in a while in the clothing catalog. Otherwise, you can use the lantern to light your way. You have to be a member to use the goggles.
The last PSA mission(fun and recommended) or penguin storm 12.4(easier)The fish catalog does not exist and when you clicked the sunnies the night vision goggles appeared
The night vision goggles are on your spy phone. Click on the spy gear icon, go to the stealth class, and their are the night vision goggles. PS. They are 2 medals.
What Mission are you talking about? if you are talking about the missing coins mission well it's it the boiler room. NOTE: You will need night vision goggles* or a duck light to see in there. *Members only