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After evolving your evee breed it with a ditto hatch the egg to receive another evee.

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Q: How do you get multiple Eevee in Pokemon Crystal?
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Related questions

How does Eevee evolve into Glaceon in Pokemon crystal?

eevee does only evolve into glaceon in dimond, pearl, platinum ss and hg

How do you get umbreon pokemon crystal?

You'll need a Eevee and make it happy at night time.

What Pokemon evolve at the ice crystal in Twist Mountain in Pokemon Black and White?

Only Eevee, and it will evolve into Glaceon.

Where do you find vaporeon on Pokemon Crystal?

YOU DONT. You have to evolve eevee to get vaporeon. Now do it, lazy-ass.

What Pokemon evolve via water stone Pokemon Crystal?

eevee into vaporeon poliwhirl into poliwrath staryu into starmie shelder into cloyster

How can you get your Eevee to evovled in Pokemon Crystal?

by evolution stones.Depends on the stone.Fire to Flareon Water to Vaporeon Thunder to Jolteon

In Pokemon crystal to evolve Eevee into jolten does Eevee need to hold the Thunderstone or can it just be in your inventory?

In your bag, just select the Thunderstone and pick the "use" option, then choose Eevee (who must be in your party) to evolve it.

How do you get umbreon in Pokemon Crystal?

To get Umbreon in Pokemon Crystal, you need to evolve an Eevee into an Umbreon. Eevee evolves into Umbreon when it levels up with high friendship during the night or when leveled up with a Moon Shard. To increase friendship, you can keep Eevee in your party, use it in battles, give it vitamins, and avoid letting it faint. Make sure to level up Eevee during the night to evolve it into Umbreon.

How do you get Eevee in Pokemon Crystal?

You get it from Bill in Goldenrod city (his house is south-west of the Game Corner), but you have to talk to him in the Ecruteak Pokemon Center in order for him to be there.

Is Espeon in Pokemon Crystal?

It is. You evolve Eevee into Espeon by leveling it up when it has high friendship during the morning or daytime.

What can you evolve Eevee into?

in Pokemon red, blue, and yellow, you can evolve eevee into flareon, vaporeon, or jolteon, by using on it a fire stone, water stone, or thunder stone respectively. In Pokemon gold silver and crystal, eevee can evolve into the three previous forms mentioned, as well as: umbreon and espeon by leveling up a happy eevee in the evening, or in the daytime respectively.

Were do you find a Eevee?

Eevee is found in different locations in each game. In Red, Blue, and Yellow Eevee is given to the play at the Celadon Condominiums. In Gold, Silver, and Crystal Eevee is given to the player by Bill. In Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum Eevee is given to the player by Bebe in the Hearthome City Trophy Garden. In Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, Eevee is given to the player by Amanita in Castelia City. In Pokemon X and Y, Eevee can be caught in Route 10.