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step 1: go to battle option and select battle any member (computer controlled)

step 2 : choose username and type training

step 3: beat this guy

his team is 6 lv.100 hoppips they only know splash

u can get loads of xp by training this way and every time u beat him u 'll get 7000+

money so its good training and ok money

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Fastest way to make money is by glitching the game. I know how, just send me a message on and I'll help you. My username is Mannie012. Enjoy :)

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no money

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Q: How do you get money on Pokemon Vortex fast?
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How you can find money in Pokemon Vortex?

just battle with a Pokemon

Which Pokemon has earthquake in Pokemon Vortex?

i do not think there is one but if you have enough money you can buy the move

When do you know when to evolve your Pokemon in Pokemon Vortex?

When he/she has good moves. Then evole into vortex

What is an account in Pokemon vortex?

Pokemon Vortex is an online Pokemon game which is not affiliated with Game Freak, Pokemon, or Nintendo.

Where is do you get the lustrous and adament orb on Pokemon vortex?

Answer TBA Soon... Pokemon Vortex Help

How do you remove Pokemon from your team on Pokemon vortex?

Well i have never heard or played Pokemon vortex what about depositting the Pokemon in a PC and realsing them

Where can you find a feebas in pokemon vortex?

you will find feebas in the water of grass maps in pokemon vortex

Does Pokemon vortex give viruses?

No, Pokemon Vortex does not give any viruses. I have been a member for a long time and I have not had any problems with it. So take my word for it and have fun on Pokemon Vortex!!!!!!

How do you get ledgenary Pokemon on Pokemon Vortex?

get lucky

What is Pokemon vortex?

An online Pokemon game.

Can you write on Pokemon in Pokemon vortex?

There is no such game as Pokemon Vortex,you've probably got a forged or fake made up game,sorry about this, but go and get you money back!First of all I don't know about your question but the guy above me is not smart enough to realize it is an online gamewhoever wrote the top answer is a plonker. Pokemon vortex does exist and is an online game. if you mean nicknames you cant

What is the Pokemon vortex?

Pokemon vortex is a website where u can play pokemon game! Catch pokemon, battle with friends, collect badges, complete events and sidequest, buy pokemons, get money and legendary pokemons from lottery and much more to go in the website here is the link - (copy it and paste it!)