Only through a Pokemon Event, or by trading it from another game. Or Action Replay or any other hacking device But people can tell if its hacked so dont do it unless youre really desprate i dont know code though
Eevee learns the following moves: - Tail Whip - Tackle - Helping Hand - Sand Attack (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 8) - Growl (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 15) - Quick Attack (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 22) - Bite (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 29) - Baton Pass (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 36) - Take Down (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 43) - Last Resort (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 50) - Trump Card (D/P/Pt/HG/SS/B/W: Lvl 57) TMs: 6,10,11,17,18,21,27,28,30,32,42,44,45,48,48,67,83,87,90 Pt/HG/SS Move tutors: Snore, Swift, Mud-Slap HG/SS Move tutors: Heal Bell, Headbutt
There are no PokeBlocks in HG/SS.
U only get it in HG
You can't :/ you can only get a Groudon on SS, You get the Kyogre on HG . Which if you get a kyogre from HG take it with your Groudon to Mr.Pokemon then you can catch Rayquaza :) i know that why i said without trading
The anniversery mew for hg ss
no but there is ho-oh at bell tower in hg and ss
You can't get mew with out a cheat in Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. Ilikpie221: Yes you can. Trade it from HG/SS because there recently was a Fall'10 event.
Soulsilver=SS heartgold=HG KK=O.K
yes,as long as you have bought a new HG or SS
You have to trade it from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum. You can't evolve Eevee into it in HG/SS.
impossible.and no, you guys with no account, dont say GOD, this guy doesnt even know what hes talking about cause u cant with event EITHER.i know that cause mew event is for firered and leafgreen.not HG and SS. Supersonic9999 says You can i checked the website and it said in some day during October you can get mew in mystery gift via WI-FI
you can't, but you can catch latios in ss and latias in hg hg(Heartgold) ss(Soulsilver)
mew cant be found in hg but mewtwo is in cerulean cave
InsideGolduckSneaselDonphan(HG)Ursaring(SS)QuagsireLarvitarPupitarOnixGravelerGolbatMisdreavus(Night only)Outside/MountainsideOnixPhanpy(HG)Donphan(HG)Teddiursa(SS)UrsaringGolduckLarvitarPonytaTangelaRapidashDoduoDodrioHoenn SoundAbsolMakuhitaWhismurLinooneSinnoh SoundBronzorChinglingBuizelBidoofWaterSeakingGoldeenFishingGoldeenMagikarpGyaradosSeakingPoliwhirlPoliwagHeadbuttingNatuAipomHeracross
hg get groudon and talk to professer Elm ss get kyoger and talk to professer Elm
Yes, you can get Mew in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver without My Pokémon Ranch but the only two options would have bee via a special Mystery Gift distribution and as of November 24, 2013, there are no distributions for it going on and trading for a Mew.