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you can get one at the pokeathlon prize exchange for 2500p on saturdays

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Q: How do you get metal coat?
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Where is the metal coat omega ruby?

A Metal Coat can be found in New Mauville. The Metal Coat is on the right of the machine.

What does a metal coat do?

A metal coat makes an Onix evolve into a Steelix.

Where do you get Metal coat in Pokemon platimnum?

The Metal Coat can be found on Iron Island.

Can Scyther evolve without a metal coat?

No, of course not. You have to trade it with a metal coat on

How do you coat a non metal object with a metal coat?

You dont, you make the pokemon hold it

What Pokemon evolve with Metal Coat?

the Pokemon that evolve with metal coat are steelix and scisor

How do you get a metal coat on sapphire?

you have to trade a metal coat from fire red or leaf green P.s. also every magnimite has a 4% chance it is holding a metal coat

What does metal coat evolve?

metal coat can evolve scyther into a scissor and an onix into a steelix. but you have to trade them while they are holding the steel coat

How do you get a Metal Coat on Pokémon Platinum?

A Metal Coat is given out by Byron after obtaining the National Pokédex.

What is metal coat do onyx?

you trade onyx while it is holding the metal coat and it evolves into steelix.

How does a Scyther evolve in FireRed?

Give it a metal coat and trade it. The metal coat can be found on on five island

What is a metal coat on Pokemon?

When held by a Pokémon, the Metal Coat boots the power of Steel-type moves.