You can only get Medicham in Emerald one of two ways:
Find a Meditite on Mt. Pyre or Victory Road in Ruby and Sapphire, then trade it to Emerald. Meditite will evolve at level 37 and you’ll get Medicham.
Trade a Medicham from Ruby or Sapphire.
Meditite is in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. It’s Psychic/Fighting and evolves into Medicham starting at level 37.
Medicham is a Psychic and Fighting type pokemon.
You have to trade a Meditite from Ruby or Sapphire (found on Mt. Pyre and Victory Road) and raise it to level 37 so it will evolve into Medicham, or trade a Medicham from Ruby or Sapphire.
All Pokemon from Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn can be obtained in Emerald. Susrskit, Masquerain, Meditite, Medicham, Roselia, Zangoose, and Lunatone must be traded from Ruby or Sapphire. Other Pokemon like all of the starters must also be traded over.
you can find medicham in the tall grass outside snowpoint.
Trade Meditite from Ruby or Sapphire to Emerald. It will evolve at level 37. Or you can trade a Medicham from Ruby or Sapphire. Neither Meditite or Medicham are available in the wild in Emerald.
You have to trade from... Ruby: Meditite, Medicham, Roselia, Zangoose Sapphire: Meditite, Medicham, Roselia, Lunatone Colosseum: Meditite, Medicham XD: Meditite, Medicham, Roselia, Zangoose, Lunatone These are only the missing Hoenn Pokemon.
Meditite is in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. It’s Psychic/Fighting and evolves into Medicham starting at level 37.
They are... Surskit, Masquerain, Meditite, Medicham, Roselia, Zangoose, and Lunatone
Medicham is a Psychic and Fighting type pokemon.
You have to trade a Meditite from Ruby or Sapphire (found on Mt. Pyre and Victory Road) and raise it to level 37 so it will evolve into Medicham, or trade a Medicham from Ruby or Sapphire.
All Pokemon from Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn can be obtained in Emerald. Susrskit, Masquerain, Meditite, Medicham, Roselia, Zangoose, and Lunatone must be traded from Ruby or Sapphire. Other Pokemon like all of the starters must also be traded over.
No, medicham never evolves, but meditite evolves into medicham
it depends on what game your talking about....... if your talking about emerald then the answer is no. it does not exist in the game just like medicham, Roselia ect......
You can catch all Pokemon in Pokemon emerald(including both fossils, go into the fossil maniacs house into the tunnel at fallarbor where you can find ditto wismur loudred and the other fossil after you've finished the game) except medicham, meditite, zangoose, two of the starter pokemon, etc.....
this is Justin Mc's question! hi Justin!!!!!!!!
LunatoneSurskitMasquerianRoseliaZangoose, Meditite and Medicham.