Here are just a few suggestions, for a few skills.
Combat: Ankou are very good combat training. They can be found on the final floor of the Stronghold of Security
Woodcutting: Willows are the way to go. Try cutting them in draynor, and banking the logs. If this becomes too slow, try cutting maples above Seers villiage bank after level 65.
Fishing: Find a river fishing location, and fish trout/salmon. They're are the fastest experience, from level 60, all the way to 99.
Mining: Find a secluded location with iron ore locations, and mine this. Drop all the ore in your inventory when it is full, for faster experience. Alternatively, members can use this same technique on granite in the desert mining camp.
Cooking: This levels up fast, just buy trout/salmon and cook them in the catherby range near the bank.
skill levels of 70+ and a combat level of 90+
Cut the highest level trees you can cut with the best hatchet you can cut with nonstop.Edit: From levels 1-30,cut regular trees.Levels 30-50, cut oak logs.levels 50-70, cut willows.levels 70-99 f2p cut yews or willows. Do you want money or experience?levels 70-99 p2p cut choking ivy or magics. Do you want money or experience?There are three ways.CashFast expor a mixture of both.For cash go from 1-15 regular trees, 15-60 oak -may be slower- 60-99 you can do yews and fletch then into yew long bows or go from 60-75 then 75-99 magics -very slow-Fast exp- 1-15 regular 15-30 oaks 30-60 willows 60-70 you can go to sawmill or 65-99 ivy by castle wars... (sacred clay hatchets)!!!!
id say kill lesser demons hoopz282
i mean with out strength at level 70 dharocks battleaxe is good for 70 attack =) for attack try saradomin godsword
Dharoks and Veracs
skill levels of 70+ and a combat level of 90+
An Abyssal whip required level 70 attack to be equipped.
Old was 50, later on 60, recently 70
A long, long time.
70+ attack, 75+ strength and hitpoints as high as these levels get you.
80. And there is an animation at levels 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80.
I assume you are asking what 60% of 70 is. If so, multiply 70 x .60 to find. (70 x .60 = 42). 60 is 42% of 70.
60-2x = 70-4x 60-2x+2x = 70-4x+2x 60 = 70 +2x 60-70 = 70 + 2x - 70 -10 = 2x x = -10/2 = -5