You must be a member. Go to the port. Go to the shop, Bab's Boutique. In there you can buy the letters. They are called WordScrawl Letters.
You can get the Goggle Eyed Wall Trout at Horrod's on Sludge Street in Moshi Monsters.
babs boutiouque in the port.
This is an item you are given to put on the wall in your monsters room when you become a Moshi Member.
this is a very long song but... moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshling moshling moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshling moshling.... so basikly every 4 times it says moshling moshling insted of monsters monsters.
A code was released in December of 2013 for the Moshi Monsters Aquarium. The code is 10FISHIES and still works as of September 2014.
You can find letters to buy for your wall if you are a Moshi Member. These letters are sold at the shop at the Port.
Yes, these wall scrawl letters are sold at the shop at the Port.
Add me on moshi monsters emmsiemoomoo
u go to babs boutique in the port and buy the letters u have to be a member
You can get the Goggle Eyed Wall Trout at Horrod's on Sludge Street in Moshi Monsters.
every persons is different
You can buy letters for your Moshi Monsters room at Bab's Boutique. You have to be a paid Moshi Member because Bab's Boutique is located in The Port. Note: only uppercase letters are available.
drag the wallpaper to your wall
babs boutiouque in the port.
You can get Moshi Monsters wall paper for your monster's room at Bab's Botique Bizarre Bazaar DIY Horrods Paws 'n' Claws Yukea
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