The only legendary that can be in an Egg is Phione, which you need to breed Manaphy with a Ditto. But other than that, you can't get any Legendary Eggs.
Cynthia (Pokemon Champ) will give you the eggs every once in a while.
volcarona may not be considered to be a legendary as it does infact evolve from a Pokemon called larvesta, but the Pokemon volcarona is considered to be a legendary Pokemon.
There is no such code.
No, there are no legendary Pokemon there, just a rare item.
It's not possible, legendary Pokemon cant be bred.
No you cannot. Legendary Pokemon can't breed (make eggs). Not even with Ditto.
You can't breed legendary Pokemon eggs on Pokemon SoulSilver or on any Pokemon game.
it is not possible as legendary Pokemon are not breedable
It is absolutely impossible to get Legendary Pokemon eggs.
you have to walk around and the guy out side will say that your pokemon had a egg but your pokemon can't be a legendary it won't have a egg
Dialga and Palkia are the legendary Pokemon mascots of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl respectively. As they are legendary Pokemon, they cannot be bred to produce eggs.
There is no legendary Pokemon in Undella Bay.
there is no "white" legendary in pokemon white. its black ( and called zecrom) and in the top floor of N's castle and then after u VS N
no you can not have legendary Pokemon eggs unless you went to a Nintendo event