When you are level 13 and have finished the main 3 streets talk to Merle, he will give you a quest to defeat lord nightshade, then talk to him. You will talk to Bartleby in Ravenwood. The Spiral Door is inside Bartleby.
You need to be a member to go into the spiral chamber or the three streets.
Krokotopia is in the spiral. The only way you can gain access is to finish Wizard City, then Professor Ambrose will give you access to the spiral door in Bartleby. You may teleport to a friend, but you still will not be allowed to enter whenever you want.
Find Danforth, then go up the ramp three levels. Turn right at the end of the third ramp.
No, Wizard101 has no viruses if you install it from Wizard101.com
once you defeat lord nightshade go to krokotopia, there over 50 parchment spawns or go to wizard city baazar they sell around 132 gold
There is no such thing, as Wizard101 is a game for children 10 +
She is no longer there she has left the spiral.
There are quite a few animals that build a spiral chamber. One of these many famous animals is the sea snail.
Nothing is wrong with Wizard101, it is a kid friendly game where you can pretend to be a teenage wizard why'll fighting monsters to save the spiral. Nothing's wrong with that. Hope this helps!!
When you are at level 15 you can move out of your dorm and buy a house or castle from a castle vendor in the spiral.
Krokotopia is part of the Spiral. You gain access to it after beating Lord Nightshade, discovering Nightside, and talking to Bartleby.
Nothing significant happens when you beat Wysteria you just get the Spiral Cup and a congratz from your buddies.
Of course there are wizard101 trainers! Dworgyn, Balestrom, Cyrus Drake, Dalia Falmea, Professor Greyrose, Moolinda Wu, Arthur Westerfield and Alhazred are all wizard101 trainers. There are other trainers that are scattered around the spiral and teach extra spells, including all sun moon and star spells.
Krokotopia is in the spiral. The only way you can gain access is to finish Wizard City, then Professor Ambrose will give you access to the spiral door in Bartleby. You may teleport to a friend, but you still will not be allowed to enter whenever you want.
Find Danforth, then go up the ramp three levels. Turn right at the end of the third ramp.
Wizard101 is an MMORPGcreated by KingsIsle Entertainment. Players take on the role of students of Witchcraft/Wizardry to save the Spiral, the fictional universe in which the game is played, and battle enemies by casting spells using a turn-based combat system similar to collectible card games.
Membership is the best (if not cheapest) way to get to Azteca. With membership, you can go anyplace in the spiral for free, by teleporting to friends (You need to pay for membership, though)
I think, will unlock them as you move along in the game.Well also you have to be a level 13 to enter the spiral and have finished the main 3 streets talk to Merle, he will give you a quest to defeat lord nightshade, then talk to him. You will talk to Bartleby in Ravenwood. The Spiral Door is inside Bartleby.