you need ten or more ribbons walk in and you should not get turned away
Note: They do not all have to be on one pokémon.
all you have to do is get a lot of ribbons.
You need to get all contest ribbons (Cute, tough, cool, smart, and beauty) in any type (Normal, super etc.)
beside the ribbon house
if you look closely at the ribbon place on one side of the fence is shorter and you can get though there and get the pokeballs
all you have to do is get a lot of ribbons.
You need to acquire 10 ribbons, on a Pokemon, and have that one in the lead position. Enter the Syndicate and the lady will check you. If you have 10, she will let you in.
You need to get all contest ribbons (Cute, tough, cool, smart, and beauty) in any type (Normal, super etc.)
The ribbon syndicate and your villa which you cn buy items for
the ribbon syndicate but to get in there you have to get 3 great ribbons to get into there
go and talk to a lady named Julia in sunyshore city every day she gives you a ribon a day and you need ten ribbons on your first Pokemon to get into the ribbon syndicate building
No, you just need 10 ribbons on 1 of your pokemon.
You will need to have at least one Pokemon in your Party with 10 different kind of ribbons.
to get into the rribbon syndicate you need t least 10 different ribbons on your Pokemon
Same as in Pearl and Diamond, Pastoria City.
No you need ten to be on your first Pokemon then they let you in