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you can't unless you click to enter the room the same time someone leaves then you will tack there spot.

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Q: How do you get into a full room on Club Penguin?
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Club Penguin how to get into a full room?

You wait for someone to leave then run in as you can't use your spy phone to get in until someone leaves the full room

How do you get on to a full server on Club Penguin?

This is impossible unless you have a certain type of computer, and you can get into a full room.

Where Is The Gadget Room In Club Penguin?

There is no gadget room in Club penguin Currently.

Where is the hidden room at the cove in Club Penguin?

There isn't a secret room at the cove in Club Penguin

On Club Penguin how many penguins can a room hold until full?

i think between 20 and 40 and 50 penguins can make a room full.

How do you login to a full sever on Club Penguin?

Due to a glitch, in 2008 you could get into a full server on club penguin but now club penguin has fixed that glitch. Thus, now you can't get into a full server on club penguin.

Which room has the Club Penguin times in it on Club Penguin?

the boiler room in the drawer there is some old newspapers

How do you get in a member room in Club Penguin?

There is no way to get into a member room unless you download a Club Penguin trainer. In some Club Penguin trainer's you can go into member rooms.

Where can you find old Club Penguin times on Club Penguin?

the boiler room

How do you get in the commander room on Club Penguin on computer?

You have to have the club penguin ds game.

What is the code to get into the command room in club penguin?

To get into the command room, You have to buy the Club Penguin- Elete Penguin Force DS game and upload coins onto your Club Penguin file. I hope this helps you!

What room no music playing in the background on club penguin?

Pet shop is the room where there is no music playing in the background on club- - penguin