It's a shop that's open every day from 10:00 AM to 5:59 PM. It sells water, lemonade, pokedoll and heart mail.
(See related link below for more information.)
In Heartgold and Soulsilver, the House of Memories is in Lavender Town, which is in Kanto, East of Saffron City.
its impossible
go to the house of memories.
South-west of the light house.
It is in Viridian City, behind the Poke Center.
No. There is not.
In Heartgold and Soulsilver, the House of Memories is in Lavender Town, which is in Kanto, East of Saffron City.
it is cianwood city
you have to bring arceus to the unown house
its impossible
go to the house of memories.
Other than the house you started out in where your Mom lives, you cannot have a house.
Besides your mom's house no. You can only get a home in Pokemon platinum.
Dance theatre in ecrueakcity heartgold
the northwest-est house in Azalea Town
I don't know what you mean.
his house is on the route above cherrygrove