Elik's Edge is a cliff at the end of the Shopping District.
Elik's Edge is a cliff at the end of the shopping Disrict - North West of the Bazaar
No, Wizard101 has no viruses if you install it from Wizard101.com
There is no such thing, as Wizard101 is a game for children 10 +
If you're looking for ringtones, go to the wizard101 downloads page.
login to the homepage at wizard101.com and click on my accounts and then click on update memberships OR go on to wizard101.com/card login and type in the code(if you have a gift card)
i can found what is wizard101 hake ck v5.6b password
Here is what you do everybody. You add someone who is on th Edge and ask them to be your friend then teleport to them lol.
You can get them from the Housing shops that are everywhere in the spiral. if you're in Wizard city you can get it at the Housing Shop near Eliks edge. btw my characters name is Dylan Skullslinger. :)
he is at the shopping district near elik's edge
No, Wizard101 has no viruses if you install it from Wizard101.com
Wizard101 is for windows. But I believe you could get Wizard101 for Mac.
Contact Wizard101 Support at: via email;; support@wizard101.com
yes there are cheats for wizard101
Wizard101 is better because their is nothing to do in Club Penguin, in Wizard101 you can fight moonsters and other wizard101 around the globe.
there are 80 levels on wizard101
You cannot sell your house in Wizard101.
You can't change your birthday in wizard101
Yes it is. Wizard101 is safe to download.