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If mac has "f keys, press f8/f7. If mac doesn't have "f keys", keybind the control for the admin orb thing to something else in Options>Controls

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Q: How do you get in admin orb on Blockland for Mac?
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How do you Bubble on Blockland?

As an admin, if you want to bubble, press F7 to turn into the bubble and then F8 to teleport to the location of your bubble.

How do you become an admin in blockland?

If you are on an online sseerver, go press ESC. then click Admin Menu or Load Bricks. If you know password, type in the appearing typing box and the it well make a Dee Doo Doo Doo sound. and the admin Menu should pop up. If you get password wrong, you will go to the main menu of blockland with a pop up of "Wrong password" or something familiar. if you start a server you automaticly become Super Admin. and if you have RTB you or your friends can put you on Auto Admin/Super Admin. Answered By SuperMario(ID:3582) But what if you DONT know the password? Obviously, if you don't know the password you can't be an admin. they have to tell you the password.

Does anyone have a admin password for a mac that you could use?

Admin passwords are set by the individual user so a password from anywhere else would not be recognised by any other Mac.

What are the controls to the orb in roblox?

They are the basic commands of Person99's Admin Script. You can find that list on the forums.

What is the blockland chat hack?

To bypass the "FLOOD PROTECTION" when spamming or repeating yourself, use this console command: commandtoserver(messagesent, "Message here"); To Simply gain access to the admin menu and get admin status(no super admin) Use this command: clientcmdsetadminstatus(1); And, finally you can cheat scores on minigame (after using the previous command) using this: clientcmdminigamesetscore(score goes here); And thats all you can do with the badspot password, torque engine, and Blockland server chat!

Pokemon pearl How do you get the admin orb?

You can only get the Adamant Ord in Pearl if you trade a Pokemon over from Diamond holding an Adamant Orb, or if you hack the game. There is no legitimate way to get the Adamant Orb in Pearl, as Dialga will only appear in Diamond and Platinum.

How can you hack blockland admin?

Yes, but it needs time, effort, and a very long career of being a hacker. There is a code if you can find it, but it rarely works. Also, the engine Blockland uses (TourqeEngine) is almost unhackable. My advice? None. But good luck trying. -Hacker, BL_ID 5697

How do you do you do slow motion on Blockland?

As an admin, super admin, or host type /timescale NUMBER use a number between 0.2 and 2 so for slow motion type /timescale 0.2 1 is the default speed and 2 is double, have fun making matrix scenes!

How do you downlod Blockland village?

You have to go to Return To Blockland to download stuff for Blockland.

What is the key code for blockland?

Blockland generate key online:

How do you get addons on blockland?

You can get Addons from either: -Blockland Fourm's Add-On Page -Return To Blockland