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You never change dorms in Yu-Gi-Oh Spirit Caller, so you can't get into Obelisk Blue.

But you can unlock the Obelisk Blue uniform.

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Q: How do you get in Obelisk Blue in Yu-Gi-Oh GX Spirit Caller?
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to get the ra yellow, duel professor sartyr until he gives it to you. if you want the obelisk blue, i think you duel zane until he gives it to you.

How do you get in obelisk blue in yugioh gx spirit caller?

Unfortunately, you can't change your dorm, you're stuck in Red. However, you can change your uniform which is a second good thing. Good luck!

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She usually resides near the Obelisk Blue Girls' Dorm or near the beach.

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What is the action replay code for all cards in Yu-Gi-Oh gx spirit caller?

well it won't give u all the cards but like it won't give u like 2-3 cards that r spirits but here it is94000130 000000FFD5000000 33333333C0000000 000000C1D6000000 02105BB0D2000000 00000000codes for an action replay for a Nintendo ds game called yu-gi-oh spirit caller.type in ar codes for yugioh gx spirit caller and click on supercheats or neoseeker.AR codes are special hack codes for R4 ETC or Action Replay(ar)go to yugioh spirit caller action repkay codes on

How do you get into obelisk blue dorm in yugioh gx duel academy?

Be ranked elite duelist.

Can you get blue eyes ultimate in spirit caller?

Yes, you can.

How do you become a obleisk blue student in yu-gi-oh gx spirit caller?

At the Duel Academy the Obelisk Blue is the highest of the three dormitories. One must possess high grades in the written examination and have earned a diploma from another duelist prep school.

How do you become a obelisk blue on Yugioh gx duel academy?

you could be a member of obelisk blue by being a superior duelist (won 50 duels and completed at least 50 timed duels.)

Can you change dorms in Yugioh GX tag force evolution?

You can but only if your level is high enough lv. 25 for ra and lev. 40 for obelisk blue good luck

How get obelisk blue in yu gi oh gx tagforce?

you can't become an obelisk blue in this game. you have to finish it as a slifer.