Play the game for a while, until you have almost no oil left. You can still use oil, just preferred you use those
ElementsMetal = Fire + StoneAir = Human + AppleSteam = Water + Fire/Water + LavaAsh = Fire + Tree/Fire + House/Light + Vampire/Fire + Book/Fire + BeastEarth = Human + AppleEnergy = Fire + AirStone = Water + LavaFire = Human + AppleWater = Human + AppleLava = Fire + EarthGoodPrayer = Human + AngelAngel = Life + LightReligion = Human + PrayerFriendship = Human + HumanHeavens = Soul + ReligionLife = Human + Human/Man + WomanResurrection = Corpse + SoulLight = Human + AppleSoul = Human + DemonOrder = Human + AppleWar MachinesAirplane = Air + CarNapalm = Fire + OilBattle Cruiser = Water + CannonRadar = Air + Radio-Wave/Air + SurveillanceBomber = Airplane + BombCannon = Weapon + BombHelicopter = Air + MechanismSubmarine = Fish + Battle CruiserLand Mine = Earth + BombTank = Car + ArmorSinsEnvy = Sin + GreedPride = Sin + SinGluttony = Sin + FoodSloth = Sin + WorkGreed = Sin + MoneyHeresy = Sin + ReligionLust = Sin + SexTheft = Sin + MoneyMurder = Sin + CorpseWrath = Sin + WeaponAnimalsRat = Beast + DiseasesBat = Air + VampireSnake = Egg + WormBeast = Human + ApplePigeon = Air + RatEgg = Stone + MagicWolf = Beast + WrathFish = Beast + WaterWorm = Earth + LifePiranha = Fish + WeaponTechnologyInternet = Computer + ComputerAI = Life + ComputerRadio-Wave = Air + ElectricityCar = Oil + MechanismCell Phone = Radio-Wave + ComputerComputer = Book + TVRobot = Mechanism + ComputerCyborg = AI + RobotTV = Demon + MechanismElectricity = Energy + MetalMonstersCerebrus = Beast + DeathMutant = Man + Magic/Human + DarknessCthulu = Water + DemonVampire = Human + BloodDemon = Beast + DarknessFrankenstein = Corpse + ElectricityGhost = Ash + SoulWerewolf = Man + BeastGhoul = Corpse + ZombieZombie = Life + Corpse/Death + Corpse/Human + ComputerSocietyAtheism = Human + HeresyMoney = Knowledge + Copyright/Demon + Soul/Oil + PoliticianBook = Human + KnowledgePsychology = Human + HeresyCensored = Sex + Mechanism/Sex + MoneyCopyright = Order + DemonGambling = Human + GreedWar = Pride + PoliticianKnowledge = Human + AppleWork = Human + Coffee/Human + MoneyWitchcraftSpell book = Book + MagicCrow = Pigeon + WitchTorture = Suffering + SufferingNecro-mancer = Zombie + WizardPotion = Water + MagicSacrifice = Murder + ReligionWand = Weapon + MagicScroll = Magic + LeatherWitch = Woman + MagicSkeleton = Human + AcidHumansMan = Human + AppleBlood = Human + Weapon/Human + Torture/Man + WeaponPolitician = Human + Copyright/Human + PrideCorpse = Human + Life/Human + MurderFood = Beast + WeaponHumanSex = Dragon + Hydra/Man + WomanLawyer = Human + CopyrightWoman = Human + AppleLeather = Human + TortureNatureAppleSeeds = Apple + EarthBacteria = Life + SporeSpore = Seeds + MushroomCoffee = Energy + SeedsGrass = Earth + SeedsMushroom = Earth + SeedsTobacco = Fire + GrassRazorvine = Grass + WeaponTree = Earth + SeedsSecurityArmy = Order + WarScientist = Knowledge + KnowledgeCity = House + HouseSoldier = Firearm + WarriorCorruption = Politician + MoneyCyber-space = Life + InternetEmpire = Politician + ArmySurveillance = Knowledge + WarHacker = Knowledge + ComputerTerrorism = War + ChaosEvilSect = Religion + HeresyChaos = War + Nuclear bombSin = Human+ AppleDarkness = Human + AppleDeath = Human + LifeDiseses = Human + TobaccoStyx = Water + DeathInferno = Human + MurderSuffering = Fire + House/Human + Torture/Human + War/Human + AcidMagic = Energy + DemonDestructionEarth-quake = Earth + EarthArmageddon = War + Biological weaponEpidemic = Diseases + ChaosBiological weapon = Spore + BombChemical weapon = Poison Gas + MissileCommunism = Demon + SectNuclear bomb = Mushroom + BombDemocracy = Politician + PoliticianTsunami = Water + Earth-quakeDictatorship = Politician + ArmyScience Fiction WeaponsBFG 9000 = Weapon + InfernoPlasmai-gun = Weapon + PlasmaDeath ray gun = Weapon + AlienSpace marine = Soldier + VoidDeath star = City + SpaceshipDisintegrator = Weapon + VoidForce field = Energy + ArmorSpaceship = Rocket + Battle CruiserLight saber = Laser + Force fieldVacuum bomb = Void + BombToolsAcid = Water + SulfurPoison gas = Air + PoisonBomb = Metal + TNTSulfur = Air + InfernoHouse = Human + StoneMechanism = Metal + WorkOil = Earth + KnowledgeTNT = Oil + AcidPoison = Coffee + TobaccoWeapon = Human + MetalMidevilSpell = Knowledge + MagicCastle = House + ArmorTower = House + WizardDragon = Magic + EggElf = Human + LightHydra = Beast + SnakeUnicorn = Beast + MagicPegasus = Pigeon + UnicornWizard = Human + EnergyPhoenix = Fire + PigeonWeaponsGun-powder = Cellulose + AcidAK-47 = Firearm + MagicHand grenade = Bomb + SoldierArmor = Metal + WarriorBazooka = Weapon + MissileDesert eagle = Firearm + PrideMissile = Bomb + RocketFirearm = Weapon + Gun-powderWarrior = Human + WrathFlame-thrower = Fire + WeaponScienceAlien = Life + VoidSatellite = Void + RocketCellulose = Grass + WorkUFO = Alien + RocketLaser = Fire + Radio-WavePlasma = Fire + EnergyRadiation = Radio-Wave + Radio-WaveVirus = Human + DiseasesRocket = Airplane + VoidVoid = Order + Chaos
he eats plants
The cast of Rabbids Go Home - 2009 includes: Deniece Alvarado as Human Characterization Stefanie Batten Bland as Human Characterization Less Clack as Human Characterization Frantz Confiac as Human Characterization Jodie Forrest as Human Characterization David Gasman as Human Characterization Allen Hoist as Human Characterization Milane Kang as Human Characterization Thierry Kazazian as Human Characterization Mirabelle Kirkland as Human Characterization Martial Le Minoux as Human Characterization Sylvain Lemarie as Human Characterization Edwige Lemoine as Human Characterization Margeaux Lempley as Human Characterization Gilbert Levy as Human Characterization Caroline Pascal Yoann Perrier as Rabbids Doug Rand as Human Characterization Mathieu Rivollier as Human Characterization Marc Saez as Human Characterization Serge Thiriet as Human Characterization Clarence Tokley as Human Characterization Sybille Tureau as Human Characterization Isabelle Volpe as Human Characterization Allan Wenger as Human Characterization Hester Wilcox as Human Characterization
11 plants at the entrance to Morahame 8 plants at the entrance to Wendelbek 8 plants around Marsh-Punk Camp 6 plants in the Arcane University gardens. 21 plants are around Fort Bulwark if you have The Knights of the Nine official plug-in
Watermelon, wheat and watercress are plants that start with W.
If a human consumes a plant they will intake the energy.
the sun gives the energy to the plants, so that they will grow. then the animals (or humans) eat the plants. also, if the animal eats the plant, and we eat the animal, we are consuming that energy! its pretty simple once you think about it(:
Animals get their energy from the food that they eat. Herbivores get food from plants which produce their own food during photosynthesis. Omnivores get food from both plants and animals. On the other hands, carnivores eat other animals as food to get energy. For example: Plant >> Chicken >> Human For this food web, the energy is transferred from the plant to the chicken then to the human. But not all the energy produced by the plant is transferred. Some of the energy but used up by the chicken so only some energy are passed on to the human.
Humans do not directly use the energy from the sun. Instead, plants convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis, and humans obtain this energy by consuming plants or animals that have consumed plants. The energy from the sun is thus transferred through the food chain to human bodies.
First you would need Life Energy + Swamp) then use the life + earth to get Human. After you get human you do Human + Plants to get a Farmer.
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Both plants and human store energy in the form of organic compounds. The storage in plants generally differs in the nature of organic compounds. It is released through cellular respiration in both cases..
plants get there energy from sun
Yes, the light form the sun enables you to see and you can feel the sun's energy warming you when you stand in the sun. You also receive the sun's energy indirectly in the food you eat, all the energy in your food comes from the sun and is put there by plants which capture sunlight and store it as carbohydrates.
where do plants get energy for photosynthesis