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To get Hitmonlee, you must first beat the game and get the move Rock Climb. After that, return to Mt. Mortar and go through the middle cave, from the piece of land where the berries are. Once in, surf up the waterfall, to the back, and go deeper into the cave. After a long journey, you will find the Leader of the Fighting Dojo in Saffron. He will challenge you and if you beat him, he will give you the Pokemon Tyrogue which can evolve into all 3 of the Hitmons. To get Hitmonlee, get Tyrouge to level 20 while his Attack is HIGHER than his Defense (Physical).

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Q: How do you get hitmonlee on Pokemon HeartGold?
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How do you get hitmonlee in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can only obtain hitmonlee by evolving tyrogue. Tyrogue is obtained in Mt. Mortar. Source: Bulbapedia

How do you catch Hitmonlee in Pokemon Heartgold?

get a poke ball and catch it Problem salved

Can you get hitmonlee in pokemon heartgold?

Yes, you can get Hitmonlee. You cannot catch Hitmonlee by himself, however. You must obtain Tyrogue from the Karate Master first. If, when Tyrogue evolves at level 20, his attack stat is higher than his defense stat, he will evolve into a Htmonlee.

What two Pokemon will make a tyrogue by hacthing it in the day care center in heartgold?

hitmontop or hitmonlee or hitmonchan then from one of those three with ditto

What level does hitmonlee evolve in Pokemon soul silver?

Hitmonlee doesn't evolve...

What is the national pokedex number for Hitmonlee?

Hitmonlee is #106 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fighting type Pokemon.

Where do you find Karate King in Pokemon silver?

In Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heartgold, and Soulsilver the Karate King is in Mt. Mortar, East of Ekruteak City. He will have a Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, and give a Tyrogue upon defeat if you accept it and have a space empty.

What does hitmonlee evolve into in Pokemon?

Hitmonlee cannot evolve any further, nor does it have a Mega Evolution form.

What is the best Pokemon you can get on Pokemon HeartGold?

There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.

What episode of Pokemon does hitmonlee fight with hitmonchan?

Episode 29, the Punchy Pokemon, has a match between Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan (featuring Anthony, and Ash gives his Primeape to him).

Where is the Pokemon mansion in Pokemon heartgold?

there is no Pokemon Mansion in Heartgold.

What lvl does hitmonlee evolve at Pokemon XD gale of darkness?

Hitmonlee is not capable of evolving in XD Gale of Darkness.