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In what game? In any game but Mystery Dungeon, YOU CAN'T. Heatran is a legendary, legendaries appear ONLY ONCE. I blew my chance with Uxie. I forgot to save at the start. So the answer - Trade from someone else, Heatran's Gone!

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Q: How do you get heatran back?
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Dose heatran come back after you beat him?

Actually, YES! Heatran is the only legendary which comes back after one week.

Can you catch heatran in pokemon platinum?

Yes, Heatran can be found in Mt Stark (You need to have gone through once with Buck already), he will place the Magma stone back, Heatran will return.

How do you cach heatran?

Go through Stark Mountain with Buck. After you get out, go back in and go to the place where you met Charon again. Heatran will be there.

Can you catch heatran if you already beat him?

no you can not. he will never come back.

What do you after Bucky puts back the magma stone?

he went to his grandfathers house in the suvival area.the house is the house next to the Pokemon center.then you can get heatran.

How do you catch heatran on Pokemon dimond?

to find heatran you team up with buck on stark moutain find buck the exit go out of stark moutain go back in go to the top of stark moutain there you find heatran

In Pokemon diamond Where is the 2nd Heatran if the 1st one faints?

If the first Heatran faints there is no second one. The trick is to save the game before you battle Heatran so if you kill it or if it kills you, just turn it off then back on.

Does the Pokemon heatran live in Sinnoh?

in the Pokemon diamond and pearl versions i know that the heatran (mostly a girl) will be at stark mountain go up there with buck go out talk to buck and his grampa go back up to stark muntain heatran is there

What evolves in to heatran?

Nothing evolves into heatran, heatran does not evolve!

Will heatran return after he leaves Stark Mountain?

yes you have to leave then come back

Where do you find heatran after you beat team galactic in platinum?

in the back of stark mountain

Where is heatrain?

heatran is in stark mountain.after you talk to buck and he takes the magma stone, talk to his grandpa in the survival area, then go back up and heatran will be where the magma stone was