You can get the Hard Stone from Arthur, who is located on Route 36 on Thursdays.
You can't evolve Togetic in Pokemon Crystal as Shiny stones did not exist in Crystal. Togekiss was also introduced in Gen4. Crystal is Gen 2?
The Market in Celadon City.
it evolves with a leaf stone
It doesn't exist in that game.
No Pokemon evolves by hard stone. Hard stone just increases the power of rock type moves.
Pokemon crystal? Pokemon Diamond it's a stone dice that powers up rock type moves.
No Pokemon can evolve with a hard stone
water stone
Pokemon Liquid Crystal is not a game. However, in Pokemon Crystal, one can find a water stone on Route 25, along with most other evolutionary stones available within the game.
You can't evolve Togetic in Pokemon Crystal as Shiny stones did not exist in Crystal. Togekiss was also introduced in Gen4. Crystal is Gen 2?
no it does not evolve with a fire stone.
Kadabra evolves into Alakazam when traded in Pokemon Liquid Crystal.
none a hard stone powers up moves -> Hard stone power ups rock type moves, it doesn't cause a Pokemon to evolve in anyway.
Put it in your bumbs
Use a fire stone on vulpix.