Breed a Ditto with a Chansey that is holding luck inscence and the egg will hatch into a happiny. (luck inscence found in Vermillion city Kanto. requires Dowsing machine to find
A Lot Of Pokemon Trainers Have Happiny But You Can Also Get A Happiny In A Hearthome City There Is A Hiker Who Will Give You An Egg,And Inside That Egg There Is A Happiny.
Happiny is a Pokemon from the newest generation, Diamond; Pearl; Platinum. So you cant get happiny in Sapphire
Happiny is a 4th generation Pokemon none of those Pokemon existed in previous generation games like leafgreen.
Happiny can be recruited in Happy Outlook.
You find it in the Pokemon mansion. I'm not to sure but that is the place to find Happiny in diamond and pearl.
Breed Ditto With Chansey Holding Luck Incense (Found in Vermillon City Kanto) Then You'll Get Happiny
Type how to get happiny man wiki awners.
You have to breed a Chansey.
Happiny is a Normal type pokemon.
A Lot Of Pokemon Trainers Have Happiny But You Can Also Get A Happiny In A Hearthome City There Is A Hiker Who Will Give You An Egg,And Inside That Egg There Is A Happiny.
Happiny is a Pokemon from the newest generation, Diamond; Pearl; Platinum. So you cant get happiny in Sapphire
You can get happiny in the trophy garden.
I agree to this paragragh. actually you can get munchlax on Pokemon heart gold and soul silver. all you have to do is give snorlax a full in sens and put it in with a ditto and then you got your self a munchlax and i know it works because i did it and i also know how you can get a happiny. you get happiny by giving chansey or blissey a luck incense and put it in the day care with ditto and you got a happiny.
You can't in this game, it's only allowed in Pokemon Yellow, and Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver. If you mean walking in the park in Hearthome City, you need a cute Pokemon like Happiny, Drifloon, Pikachu, or Clefairy. There are more, but I don't remember.
Happiny is a 4th generation Pokemon none of those Pokemon existed in previous generation games like leafgreen.
Happiny can be recruited in Happy Outlook.
You find it in the Pokemon mansion. I'm not to sure but that is the place to find Happiny in diamond and pearl.