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Happiny is Generation IIII, and LeafGreen is Generation IIII.

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Q: How do you get happiny in LeafGreen?
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How do you get happiny in pokemon LeafGreen?

Happiny is a 4th generation Pokemon none of those Pokemon existed in previous generation games like leafgreen.

Can you trade happiny to LeafGreen?

It is not possible to trade a Happiny to leaf green, not only because a Happiny does not exist in the Leaf Green pokedex but you can only transfer Pokemon from FireRed/LeafGreen/Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire to Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, and not the other way around.

Can you get a happiny in Pokemon LeafGreen? has loads of different types of English courses available, from 'basic ' English to more complex 'idioms and phrases' this website has reading and listening exercises available too.

What episode did Brock get his Happiny?

Brock got his Happiny in One big Happiny family. That is the first episode Brock's Happiny got it's debut. Brock got his Happiny in One big Happiny family. That is the first episode Brock's Happiny got it's debut.

Where can you see happiny in Pokemon Platinum?

A Lot Of Pokemon Trainers Have Happiny But You Can Also Get A Happiny In A Hearthome City There Is A Hiker Who Will Give You An Egg,And Inside That Egg There Is A Happiny.

What is the evolved form of happiny?

Happiny evolves into Chansey.

How do you get a happiny in pokemon platium?

You can get happiny in the trophy garden.

What type of Pokemon is Happiny?

Happiny is a Normal type pokemon.

What egg group is Happiny in?

Happiny can't lay eggs!

How do you get happiny on Pokemon sapphire?

Happiny is a Pokemon from the newest generation, Diamond; Pearl; Platinum. So you cant get happiny in Sapphire

Where do you catch happiny in heartgold?

Type how to get happiny man wiki awners.

How do you see Happiny?

You have to get the egg, i dont remember who from, and hatch it. it hatches into a happiny